

  five years ago, i joined xxxxx. today, i have to escape from here to find a new start. some truth you have to know before my leaving.

  five years ago, i joined xxxxx. today, i have to escape from here to find a new start. some truth you have to know before my leaving.

  during the breastfeeding period, i cannot get the early leave treatment as other female staff in breastfeeding period. on contrast, i had to work overtime. more the worse, i cannot get my ot salary as my supervisor doesn’t allow me to apply for ot on oa.

  in order to eva luate if the efficiency of my work accords with the core value of the company, i was forced to use stopwatch to calculate my every action. i feel myself a slave in the 21st century.

  my supervisor rules i cannot go for lunch if i don’t complete the work she dispatched.