

  Dear distinguished guests

  No talking, no laughing, no cheering. In order to give you an impression ofDalian in advance, today will bring you into a wonderful world. And recite aself created poem for you:

  The beautiful scenery of Bincheng is changing with each passing day, fullof trees and grass.

  There are numerous European style buildings, urban sculptures andwaterfront.

  The style of the square is different, and the beautiful scenery along thesea is pleasant.

  People are happy with the fresh air, and the ancients should sightoday.

  Dalian is a city full of poetic charm. Every street, square, green spaceand building will give people beautiful enjoyment. People living in this citylive a full and romantic life. Please allow me to use the name plate of Qin yuanChun, which Chairman Mao used in the past, to praise Dalian. It has the sceneryof Bincheng, 100 meters of Huaijing, thousands of miles of sea. It has a longhistory, pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, more than 13000 square meters, atotal population of 5.9 million, and a romantic hometown. Dalian is so famousthat countless heroes take on the responsibility of building Xinghai Square andsetting up a splendid watch. Long distance football has its own famous players.Once a year, in the clothing festival, the wine, the pleasure and the clothesare all gone. If you work hard, you will be more brilliant.

  Dalian is a young city with a long history. Her development is closelyrelated to the modern history of China. It has been 1__ years since the CzaristRussia built Dalian port as a symbol of the city in 1899. Help the present andrecall the past, with a red song of ManJiang as a message: the long river ofhistory, waves washed out, the wind does not stop. Looking back, Dalian has beenfull of grief for a hundred years. Japan and Russia vied for food in China, andthe Qing Dynasty lost its power, dishonored its blood, sighed at the commonpeople, cherished its lofty ambition, and appreciated its glory. The pastgeneration is shamed, but it will be snowed. Today's generation is willing,sincere, diligent and studious. The bright pearl of the North shinesbrilliantly, the romantic capital shines the sun and the moon, and then from thebeginning, build a great Dalian, chaotianque!

  If Dalian is a poem, then what she tells people is her struggle and herstruggle; if Dalian is a song, she tells people the achievements and glory ofDalian. What I want to tell you today is the song of Dalian, but it's notsinging, it's talking. Each song is composed of seven notes, and Dalian also hasthese seven notes. Do is 1, and Dalian is the only city in China's history thatis inscribed by old fellow president __ as "Pearl of the north". It is also thesole "romantic capital" identified by the director of the National TourismAdministration. This opening chapter gives a good start to Dalian's song. Dalianis across two seas, and the Huang Bo sea boundary is located at the oldheadstone of Lushun district, Dalian, so the seafood in Dalian is delicious. Whydo you say, for example, if the next generation produced by the people of thetwo countries is called hybrid, it's very smart; if the breed produced by thetwo countries is called hybrid, it's delicious. (laughter) actually, this isdetermined by the salinity and water temperature of Dalian sea area. Dalian hasthree shortages. The first is that there are few bicycles. Why? Because Dalianis a hilly area. There are many uphill and downhill. The uphill feelsuncomfortable. The downhill shivers with fright. The uphill is tired to death.The uphill rushes downhill with eyes closed. Besides, the car is a bit broken.Ouch, I still haven't said it. I fall to the ground with a puff. You say it's alot of fire. (laughter + applause) the second is the traffic police in DalianCha Shao, but don't think the traffic situation in Dalian is bad. In fact, thereare electronic eyes at many traffic intersections. After breaking the rules,your license plate and name will be published in the newspaper, and you have topay the fees. The third is that the quality of Dalian people is relatively low.Dalian citizens have three regulations and six no regulations

  Self mouth, no spitting, no swearing; control self hands, no graffiti, nolittering; control self feet, no crossing the road, no trampling on the lawn.What kind of Dalian people are good! FA is 4. Dalian is made up of fourtreasures, Ma Jiajun, Shide team, Bo Xicao and clothing festival. What needs tobe said is Bo Xicao. __ has done a lot of work for Dalian during his tenure asmayor of Dalian. Now the green coverage rate of Dalian is about 41%. Theexcellent environment has made Dalian a good investment scene. There are manynegative oxygen ions in the air, and the young man is healthy Strong, beautifulgirls, lovely children, healthy old people, the people of Dalian are blessed,you are also blessed, let you free oxygen. In order to commemorate __'s work inDalian, people in Dalian named this grass Bo Xi grass

  I believe you must have a good impression of Dalian. After listening to theFA of Dalian, let's take a look at the so of Dalian, that is, 5. Dalian is atourist city. Dalian tourism has played five cards, that is, the romantic cityis the brand of Dalian, the Pearl of the north is the gold medal of Dalian, thetop five world environment is the trump card of Dalian, the competition inBeijing and sightseeing in Dalian are the signboard of Dalian, and JinshitanFamous scenic spots such as Dalian, Lushun and so on are famous brands ofDalian. This is not what I said, but what Liu Zhenwan, director of DalianTourism Bureau, said. When it comes to Jinshitan, I've created a word boardcalled do listen to spring rain. It's about Jinshitan. Please clap first, andthen enjoy (applause) Jinshitan's heavenly craft. Ghosts, axes, gods, and famouspeople are still there. The waves are whispering and listening to the springbreeze. Immediately pull hard crossbow, waving, talking and laughing, flowers,feeling to thick. The stone has no beauty. It's a real dragon exploring the seafrom afar. Jue Jue, walking place, there are beautiful scenery never met. La is6. Dalian is known as the romantic capital. There must be romance in it. To sumup, there are six romantics: romantic sea; romantic square and green space;romantic architecture; romantic people; romantic festival activities; romanticcity. In any case, it is wave after wave. In Ren Xianqi's song, it is (singing):one wave has not subsided, another wave is attacking Finally, let's take a lookat the final note of the song of Dalian, Xi, which is 7. Since ancient times,there are seven scenes in Dalian, namely, the sea of stars listening to thewaves, the city carving enjoying the moon, the red maple in Bingyu, the sunsetin Heishan, the tower watching the double seas, the Jinshi heavenly craft andthe bird's nest homing. The seven sceneries of Dalian constitute a uniquelandscape of Dalian and enrich the horizons of every visitor to Dalian. In fact,Dalian is so beautiful. I just hope to create a good mood for you,

  And a song also depends on the organization of seven notes to form music.Next, I will sing a song representing Dalian's wish for you, and a "friend" byZhou Huajian for you. I hope you can like it and sing it together!