


  Cheju Island (Chejudao) is South Korea's largest island, also known as Tamra Island, the island honeymoon, romantic island, located in the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, separated from the peninsula and Cheju Strait sea, the southern coast of south Korea more than 90 kilometers, and recapped Korea Strait gateway to a very important geographical position. Cheju Island area of 1826 square kilometers, including cattle Island, lying on the island, brothers Island, shelter naturalization Island, Mosquito Island, Tiger Island, as 34 of the island, 100 km northeast from the South Jeolla Province, is an ideal tourist and fishing resort. Ornamental relics here can enjoy the natural landscape, the island stand Korea's highest mountain - the elevation of 1950 meters - Mt. Also hiking, horseback, never thought about, hunting, surfing and playing golf, etc.. Here sparsely populated, the vast territory, instead of alpine forest, farmland cottages. Farmers is the major species of rice, vegetables, fruit, the most spectacular to a maximum of rape, spring, a golden everywhere, and very good-looking.

  Cheju Island is South Korea's major fishery base, both within the waters near temperate marine fish, a tropical and subtropical fish

  Cheju Island in the waters southwest of the Korean peninsula, is located in the center of the Far East region, the location is extremely important. Diversions things chang 73 km, 41 km north-south width was elliptical in shape. A total area of 1845 square kilometers and a total area of the Republic of Korea 1.84%, the population of about 50 million.

  Cheju Island by the accumulation of geological strata, basalt, volcanic undercurrent because of volcanic activity and the formation of volcanic and clastic rocks, etc.. Cheju Island typical of lava caves terrain, so far, has found that more than 60 caverns Department.

  Cheju Island under the seasonal climate changes can be clearly divided into continental and oceanic climate. Winter temperature, dry, wet and humid summer. Annual average temperature 16 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature of 33.5 degrees Celsius in summer, the coldest winter in January only 1 degree Celsius, a very pleasant climate, therefore, Cheju Island "of Hawaii, South Korea," said.

  Cheju Island is the main mountain-Mt Han Mt heap for a volcano in the 1007 eruption. The elevation of 1,950 meters is Mt Korean Han the highest mountain.





  济州岛的气候根据季节的变化可以明显地分为大陆性和海洋性气候。冬季温差大、干燥,夏季潮湿多雨。年平均气温16摄氏度,夏季最高气温33.5摄氏度,冬季最冷的一月份也只不过1摄氏度,气候非常宜人,因此,济州岛有韩国的夏威夷” 之称。












  城山日出峰是耸立在济州岛东端的巨大岩石,为汉拿山360个子火山之一,也是世界最大的突出于海岸的火山口。火山口周边有99块奇岩怪石,聚在一起状如巨大的王冠。 城山日出峰周边是一个大草原,有着田园诗般的美丽景色。





  涉地可支位于济州岛东部海岸的一端。 "涉地"是这一地区古代时的名称,"可支"是济州岛方言,意思是向外突出的地形。涉地可支所在的海岸悬崖上是一片宽阔的草地,这里一棵树也看不到,海岸上耸立着一块叫仙石的岩石。




















  Dear friends, hello, and welcome to the fascinating jeju island is well-known as "South Korea Hawaii" tour, I am the guide from your trip, I'm glad to meet you, I hope my explanation can bring you a pleasant journey!

  South Korea is located in the south of the Korean peninsula in northeast Asia, with a temperate monsoon climate, reaching 25 degrees Celsius during the summer heat and sub-zero temperatures in winter. South Korea is rich in tourism resources and economic prosperity. It is a country with beautiful natural environment and splendid history and culture. One of the seven natural wonders of the world, jeju island is one of the most famous.

  The coast is mainly distributed on the sand levee, which is 50 to 100 meters wide, like the windbreaks along the island. Its material is better, branched more and low, strong wind resistance. It is a tropical evergreen shrub on the coral island. It is widely distributed and has a large area, which can be found in other parts of the island. In addition to the natural forests, there are also coconut palms planted by the military and people of the past dynasties, some of which form small pieces of coconut forest.

  The island of jeju is also known as the island of the island, the island of honeymoon, the island of romance. Located in the east China sea, covering an area of 1,825 square kilometers, including 26 small islands, it is the largest island in South Korea. Jeju island is an oval shape, formed by the long nature of volcanic material. Hundreds of hills, coastal waterfalls, cliffs and lava tunnels attract visitors from all over the world.

  The dragon's head rock

  Bird island, named for the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds that live on the island. Their real names, the western island is called haixishan, also called xiaoxi mountain, also called egg island; The great island of the east is called haixipip. Mt. Haixi is like a hump. The area used to be only one square kilometer. Now, as the lake has decreased, the island top is seven six meters above the surface of the lake. There are about 90, 000 birds on the island. This is a land of wild geese, fish gulls, and brown gulls. Each spring, the wild geese, fish gull, and brown gulls come together, each side of the island, the nest, the island is full of nests. When it comes to spawning season, the island has a nest of birds and a nest, and the number of dense hemp is unclear, so it is also known as the egg island, which is mainly referred to as the bird island.

  Is located in the northern city of jeju leading rock by the sea, was formed by cooling after 2 million the year before an eruption of lava rocks, 10 meters high, 30 meters long, looks like a dragon living in dragon palace on the flying days suddenly turned into a stone. It is because the rock at one end is like a dragon head, so named bibcock. There is also a legend that a dragon wants to ascend heaven, but in the end failed, so the rock has only the part of the dragon body, and the faucet was shot down by lightning during the typhoon. There is a dragon pool about 200 meters east from the leading rock. It is said to be the land of the dragon, hence the name dragon pond. The water is crystal clear.

  Here can not only see the jeju island famous women sea the sea floor, about 10 minutes' walk along the coast, is a small coffee shop village, here a few years ago or is it just a small parts of the two raw fish shops, now turned into have many coffee shops, porridge shop, restaurant, etc. In a noisy neighborhood.

  Sunrise peak

  The mountain sunrise peak is a huge rock that stands on the eastern end of jeju island, one of the 360 sub-volcanoes of hana, and the largest one in the world. The crater is surrounded by 99 pieces of rock, which are shaped like huge crowns. It is surrounded by a prairie and has an idyllic view.

  City mountain sunrise

  In the distance, it looks like a huge city guo, hence the name "chengshan". In the city, the sunrise can be seen at sunrise. People here call the rising sun "sunrise", and the rising sun is called "day out".

  Liu gongdao covers an area of 15 square kilometers and is 7 nautical miles east of weihai. It is surrounded by sea and is known as the frontier position of jiaodong peninsula. Its strategic position is very important. The qing dynasty's beiyang naval base was built on the island.

  The stakeholders can branch

  It is located at one end of the eastern shore of jeju island. "The land" is the name of the ancient times of the region, "can support" is jeju island dialect, which means the topography protruding outwards. There was a wide meadow on the cliff of the coast, and there was not a single tree, and a rock on the shore was called a stone.

  The northeast coast of the island has long been washed away by wind and waves. In the distance, the sky and the sky, the smoke waves; Near, it was a huge, steep rock, and the waves were falling, rolling up thousands of snow. On the shore, there is a cock-like boulder on a sloping stone base, like an old man who is obsessed with music listening to "haiyun", hence the name "xian shi listens to tao". To the north of the island, the bay is like a rising crescent, a gentle slope, white sand, gentle waves, a rare natural bathing place. Zhengdong and east south bank, commonly known as the "chicken tail" section, the collection qi, xiong, zhuang, broad in one body, the scenery is far more than "chicken head", is the essence of the chicken island viewing. Sea animals have lobster, grouper, pomfret, parrot fish, squid, etc. There are also a large number of "living fossils", the second-class protected fish in the country.

  There is a lighthouse on one side of the field and a stone wall against the wind on the way to the lighthouse. The stone wall is the rape field, and every April you see the brightest yellow.

  Of course it is a beautiful legend, because it and we said in front of the manchu "loose gori ula" is contradictory, but this embodies the ancient working people have no good wishes legend tells us a truth, justice will eventually defeat evil.

  The lighthouse has iron steps that can easily be mounted. Stand on the fence and enjoy the sight of the coast. The vast, gentle slopes of the coliseau have a tower of stone towers (about 4 meters high and 9 meters long) that remain the same.

  It takes about 5-10 minutes for the bus terminus to get off for a taxi ride on the east ring road at the outskirts of the city of jeju (or in the west of the west of the city) at the eastern loop of the ring road (every 20 minutes).

  A village in a town

  Over in northeast China, is located in the north new development district, next to the sun island, Lin covers an area of 966000 square meters, is now open to raise tigers garden area of 360000 square meters, the park range of more than 30 adult tigers, as the world's most the manchurian tiger group of grazing land, since opening to the outside world in January 96, has 400000 Chinese and foreign visitors. The tigers garden we will change to the forest park dedicated to a closed car to visit, you must pay attention to safety, don't open the window, you can buy food to feed the tiger, the tiger feed 10 o 'clock in the morning every day, in winter it is not easy to be found, because the tiger land and grass withered yellow close to. In the far away, people go to the museum to visit, guide to buy tickets, and then stand in line to visit.

  The coconut island is located at the intersection of the east and west of sanya haitang bay town, which is formed by 17 islands, with a total area of 4978 mu, and the blue sky, oasis, green water and silver beach constitute the beautiful scroll of the archipelago. The coconut island is the estuary of the two rivers of rattan bridge, with its unique aquatic ecology, which is one of the most primitive natural landscape islands in hainan. The following is a collection of the guide words for the coconut island of hainan.

  The village is located at the foot of hana mountain in jeju island. It is a folk village which completely preserves the traditional Korean tradition. There are many cultural heritages that are well preserved in the original village, and are thus designated as a folk village and protected.

  Here still retains the township homes, schools, ancient official agency, stone statues, treadmills, fo, stele and other tangible cultural heritage and folk songs, folk games, local food, folk intangible cultural heritage, such as technology, jeju dialect. In the middle of the village, the beech tree, which is several hundred years old, has been designated as the natural protection object. When walking here, it feels as if time is running backwards. In addition, it is also accessible to South Korea's unique native culture, which is popular with foreigners.

  Because the village is located on jeju island, it also reflects the unique living culture of jeju island. You can see here that seemingly pile was sparse wind wall (black lava stone), in order to prevent the wind it directly into a back room and build up straight and curved "o" (narrow alleys), have become the symbol of jeju stone (Dolharubang). Among the peculiar things on jeju island are the black hair and the "tongxi" (pigsty and toilet). The soil here is rich in nutrition, delicious and famous. It is a tradition that has become so rare in modern society that it adds a touch of flavor.

  3 d museum

  The 3D museum is a standing art gallery. The 2-dimensional picture is displayed in the museum. It will have three-dimensional effect with the naked eye, which is very magical. Indoor sightseeing is also a great choice. In this museum, you have not only enjoyed the pleasure of your trip, but also improved your imagination. Not only are there many local tourists, but tourists who travel abroad also enjoy the museum. Here you can see not only a different world, but the subconscious may feel like it's coming to another world. The picture here mimics a lot of scenes that we can't even imagine. Every work in the library is the author's most valuable work of art.

  Visit the teddy bear museum

  The teddy bear museum was built to showcase a toy bear that has been popular around the world for hundreds of years. Toy bears can be seen from around the world in two pavilions. Visitors can also spend time in museum shops, western restaurants and outdoor parks where you can see the sea. The pavilion can be divided into historic halls and galleries, as well as planning galleries.

  Jeju island - "peace island", as the world's lowest crime rates island, here, tourists don't know the language, understand the words, can still alone on the island "jinyi nocturnal" any one place, and don't have to worry about security issues; It's hard to see a police car here. Thailand, the Philippines and even hainan island are all in peace. Thanks to the simplicity of jeju island, jeju island is famous for its "no" : no thief, no door, no beggars. Jeju people lived in ancient times this piece of fertile land, living conditions make them into the neighborhood of the virtues of mutual aid, so no one needs to steal, begging, naturally there would be no need to set the gate guard against his neighbor. So one of the local traditions is that when the owner goes out, he usually just takes a crossbar in front of his house to show that there is no one at home, and there is no other unnecessary facilities.

  Pavilion in history, has combined with a one hundred - year history of famous scenes and reproduce the historical figure toy bear, antique toy bear, such as leonardo Da Vinci creation of the last supper and the Mona Lisa's teddy bear modelling is especially remarkable. In the art gallery, you can see the living works of the masters who introduced teddy bear to the world's art of art, as well as animated characters loved by children. Here's the world's smallest teddy bear, which is just 4.5mm large and should be seen. The planning exhibition hall showcases various teddy bears based on themes from different periods.

  It is also the 125th anniversary of the birth of teddy, a limited production of 125 high-quality teddy bears. The traditional German teddy bears, made of 125 carat diamonds, sapphires and sands, are the most expensive.

  All right, the tour of jeju island is over. We are going to the next scenic spot. Please take your belongings with you and avoid losing them!