Dear ( ),
I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of ( ) with ( ).
I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of ( )s commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.
I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a ( ). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.
Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed whatothers have told me - thatwould be a terrific place forsomeone with my skills and interests.
I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as ainyour department. As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to asimilar conclusion. It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunitieswith you. I thank you againfor the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.
Again, you can reach meat, or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly.
Dear XX customs office:
XX company is a wholly invested by Taiwan businessmen established a research and development of science and technology enterprise, the company registered capital of 1 million dollars, the specialty is engaged in computer peripheral hardware and software, 3 d TV, integrated circuits, game software and hardware, research and development and application of intelligent platform. Companies pay attention to independent research and development and technological innovation, after years of development, has accumulated a number of international patents and advanced technology, and the application of the advanced achievements in time of research and development to production, with a number of independent intellectual property rights of the product.
Since the establishment of our company in September, we have just started our business, especially the customs service in the export processing zone. But, snap of the expensive unit, has long been place the needs of the enterprises in the first, and all staff work earnestly, careful rigorous, pragmatic and efficient, make our business could be carried out smoothly.
At the beginning of the open in our company, the expensive unit X director with the business had a line of people come to visit our company guidance, and hold people on our enterprise registration made a positive and patient guidance, let us in the smooth completion of the customs for the record, to reduce the unnecessary trouble and time. Our company feels warm with such efficient and effective guidance.
Finally, heartfelt thanks to XX again the customs work in high office of our company import and export customs clearance of help and guidance, we in the later work will be more strict with himself, abide by the customs of the laws and regulations, strengthen enterprise management, and I wish you greater development in the New Year.
XX company
Dear teacher ,
I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning english and speaking english。
During these days in your class, i have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me。 firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern。 and, i think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts。 as you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners。 secondly, i have got enough confidence in speaking in english from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence。 now, i
Always express my ideas in english as possible as i can。 it’s great to do that。 the last not the least, i find that learning english is not an boring thing as before and i’m interested in studying
English which was just a necessary task to pass examinations。 reading, listening or speaking all become interesting and i really enjoy it。 above all, i want to say thanks again to you。 and thank you for your time。
Good luck!
date and place mr.____
minister of _____ (address) beijing,china
dear minister,
i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i would also like to thank you for your interesting
discussion with me which i have found very informative and useful.during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with china. i sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring our business people together.
i am looking forward to your early visit to china when i will be able to pay back some of the hospitalityi received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. with kind personal regards,
faithfully yours,
mr.___ minister of economic cooperation
Hi Yanglang!
I’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . Are you OK? I hope you happy everyday.
We have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not English , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing English . Some people think it is boring in the classes , but I think this is very enjoyable .
I love my life now . because I always feel fulfilled all day . I am so busy that I can’t play ping-pong . I think it is my desire to enjoy life.I want to travel to Mountain Hua . Three years ago I went there , but don’t go to the top , so I must go there when I have free time.
Take care yourself
Love Young!
20xx年5月至6月上旬,市军分区安排我们各县市武装部长到酒泉果园乡进行培训,对我们各项业务技能进行了培训,各位指导老师站在骄阳下,以身作则,身先士卒为我们作出了榜样,鼓励我们在训练的时候要胆大心细,严格要求自己,互帮互助。市委常委、军分区司令员陈伟亲临打靶现场对我们进行指导。了解到瓜州县梁湖乡是一个新建移民乡,移民生活困难,陈伟司令员积极协调,为梁湖乡、学校、医院、武装部捐赠物资23.79万元,极大的促动了梁湖乡社会经济的快速发展。感谢酒泉军分区、瓜州县武装部各位领导的严格要求,俗话说“严师出高徒”,正是在各位领导的严格要求下,我才能够取得今天的成绩,20xx年12月1日,我被瓜州县委提名为副乡长候选人,12月18日正式当选。 再次对各位领导的辛勤培育致以衷心的感谢。
一年的`工作里由于自己的失误也曾给工作带来过不利,但是都得到了领导们的宽容对待,对此我更是要表示深深的感谢。感谢你们对我如此地宽容。同时在公司工作的这几年也得到了全体同事们的支持理解与帮助,在此我也要一并感谢同事们的真心关照。 其实在公司工作的这一年对我来说是比较开心的一年,老板们的人性化管理,使得公司的工作气氛比较宽松,同事们在一起相处也算融洽和睦,没有很紧张的人际关系,这些都算是很好的工作气氛了,我很喜欢这样的气氛。我会常常做错事情,但是经理们会耐心的教导我们,给我们改正错误的机会,而且让我明白了很多事情。
① It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.
② I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that you...
③ Congratulations on your promotion/graduation/success/progress/achievements.
④ I am delighted to learn that...
5. I am extremely glad to hear that you have got a promotion in your company.
Congratulations! 6)It’s wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself.
① I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.
② We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together and in
your chosen career.
③ Wish you the best luck and every happiness.
④ Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!
⑤ I would like to express my best wishes and warmest congratulations to you.
⑥ Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend, congratulations
and all good wishes to you!
Dear Mr. Zhao,
I am extremely glad to hear that you have got a promotion in your company.
It is excellent of you to get a promotion, for after all you have just been in the
company for six months. As we all know, you are always a both hard-working and creative person, which is essential to achieve your goals in work. Moreover, your strong sense of responsibility enables you to win trust from people around you and thus win yourself various opportunities. I think that is why you can make achievements in such a short time.
There is no doubt that you deserve the promotion. Having you as a friend, I really feel
both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from
Best wishes.
Yours faithfully,
Li Ming
祝贺新年 A letter extending New Year greetings
Dear Mr. Barton,
As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 20xx.
I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture between our two countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with you.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Jason,
I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of our
University Students' Union. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement.
The Students' Union plays an essential role in our campus life. Managing such an
organization not only poses a great challenge to you, but will also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. I believe this position will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career. ? Please accept my most sincere congratulations!
Best wishes,
Li Ming
正文主要有3 部分:
(1). 对于收信人的惠助表示感谢;
(2). 解释感谢的原因或对方的帮助给自己带来的好处;
(3). 再次表示诚挚谢意。
① Thank you so much for...
② I am most grateful to you for...
③ With deepest gratitude I write you here few lines.
④ Please accept my profound appreciation for...
⑤ I appreciate your kindness in granting me an interview last week.
⑥ Allow me to express to you my warmest appreciation for the many courtesies you
extended to me during my last visit to London.
⑦ I am writing to thank you, on behalf of my wife and on my own behalf, for the
lovely time we had at your party last night.
① Many thanks to you for your...again.
② It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I
can say.
3. I hope I have the chance to reciprocate your kindness.
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to show my gratitude for your invitation to your birthday party. That
was really wonderful party. I appreciate your considerate arrangement and wonderful performances you
had prepared. And it also offered me a chance to meet many old friends. I really enjoyed
that night and I do hope you will have a wonderful life.
Yours, Helen
Dear Professor Chen,
It is just three weeks since I consulted you on how
to write a research paper and I’d like to assure you that I really appreciate your help. Your
advice has been very
valuable, and I have read the books recommended by
you with gratifying results. I have finished my research
paper, and I owe it to your help. I would like to express
my gratitude, along with my best wishes.
Yours respectfully,
Dong Feng
It's very important to follow up after a job interview, because even if you think the interview went badly, keeping in touch may improve the interviewer's perception of you. It reflects persistence, and it's also polite to thank the hiring manager after the interview. Remember to also send the note within two days of the interview; although, if you've passed the two-day mark, a late response is better than no response.
在面试后跟进非常重要,因为即使你觉得自己表现不佳,与面试官保持联络会提升面试官对你的印象。跟进体现了你的坚(来自:www.zaidian.cOm 书 业网)持,而且面试后谢谢招聘官也很有礼貌。要记得在面试后两天内写邮件,如果超过了两天的期限,晚写总比不写好。
Here is a sample of the kind of email you should send:
Dear Interviewer,
It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion of ( what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about ( what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you. 谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。
Best regards
I am very pleased that I was given the opportunity to attend the second interview this morning. I hope that the conversation could make the manager and you know me further.
I was impressed with a sentence said by you during the first interview,美容论坛, which ws 'John is reliable, very reliable。‘ I not only admired him for what he had done and the commend from you,but also I was encouraged and realized that the reason why I keep on applying for the student placement is to take advantage of my knowledge, experience, abilities and skills, and then to contribute, to improve。 I hope that there could be such a chance for me to be recognized and praised because of my outstanding performance。 I am not inferior to other individuals, and I can even make things better。 Therefore, I am keen to gain this position。
Anyhow, if I cannot be given this position, I also would like to thank you and the manager. Both of you are very kind and friendly, you made me relaxed during the interview so that the two interviews are valuable and memorable for me.
Thank you for your consideration.
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