


  Unit 1 Mdule 11

  Careers and sills

  Useful wrds and phrases:

  1. reflectin 考虑, 深思

  be lst in reflectin 陷入沉思中

  n reflectin 经再三思考

  2. be suited t 合适,适宜

  1) suit t 使与……相适合

  Eg. A gd teacher suits his lessns t the age f his students.


  2) be suit t 适合,适宜

  Eg. D u thin David is suited t teaching?


  3. in realit 实际上,相当于in fact

  Eg. The salesan alwas appeared ver cnfident, but in realit (in fact), he was a sh and nervus ung an.(L11)

  4. baggage/luggage 行李(不可数) a piece f baggage/luggage

  5. waitress n. 女服务员 waiter n. 男服务员

  6. supprt vt./n. 支持,支撑,赡养,供养

  be in supprt f sb./sth 支援某人/某物

  He has a large fail t supprt. 他要养一大家子的人。

  7. criticis n. 批评 criticize v. 批评,指责

  8. appear vi. 看上去,显得

  Everne appears (t be) well prepared.

  It appears t e that---据我看来---,似乎

  Eg. It appears t e that he lied.

  9. thic-sinned ad. 厚脸皮的

  10. The are als under huge pressure t appear ung and beautiful.(L17)

  under pressure 在压力下

  Eg. i desn't wr well under pressure.

  11. The d nt cnsider the stress and pressure that ce with these bs.(L24)


  ce with 伴随…与发生

  12. In cntrast, se peple find re unusual bs that are better suited t their talents and interests.(L29)


  in cntrast 相比之下

  13. …but the are as essential as water t ur sciet. (L40)

  be essential t / be essential fr


  Eg. Mne is nt essential t happiness.

  14. …and cleaners wh clear up ur rubbish.(L44)

  1) clear up 整理;完成;收拾

  Eg. Wuld u clear up this r befre ur visitrs arrive?

  2) 解释;寻找答案;使明了

  t clear up a isunderstanding


  3) 了结;结束;变缓和

  Eg. I hpe ur trubles clear up sn.


  4) 天气放晴

  Eg. The weather has cleared up sn.

  15. g abut sething 继续做某事

  Eg. All the eplees at the cpan are ging abut their business as usual despite the threat f banruptc.

  16. gain weight 增肥 lse weight 减肥

  17. substance 物质,实质

  in substance 本质上, 大体上

  18. drag-dragged-dragged 拖,拽,拉

  drag sb. int ding sth. 是某人勉强做某事

  drag ut 拖延(时间)drag ut a eeting

  19. apprach v. 对付,处理, 向---靠近 n. 方法

  Eg. apprach a prble 处理问题

  apprach the ene’s ship 靠近敌人的船

  a crrect apprach t the subect 研究这个问题的'正确方法

  20. deterined ad. 坚决的, 决议的

  be deterined t d sth. 下定决心做某事

  21. ideal n. 理想 ad. 理想的

  realize ne's ideal 实现最终目的

  an ideal place fr caping

  22. rganize v. 组织 rganizatin n. rganized ad. 有组织的 rganizer

  23. crrespnd with 符合, 一致

  24. real(ad.)真实的realit(n.) 现实realistic (ad.) 现实的,实际的

  25. eweller [总称]珠宝, 镶嵌有宝石之饰物(不可数)

  a piece f eweller 一件珠宝

  eweler 珠宝商

  26. in detail 详细地

  27. chew n 考虑(P5)

  Iprtant sentences:

  1. Se bs a see ver dull but are ver iprtant t sciet, while thers can appear ver exciting but are actuall ver difficult and bring.(P2,L6-8)

  while 在此处解释为“而”

  2. When chsing a career, u shuld cnsider all the aspects f a b.(P2,L6)

  3. Se bs see ver dull------(P2,L7)

  While thers can appear ver exciting------(P2,L7)

  The are als under huge pressure t appear ung and beautiful.(L17)

  Man have painful surger t ae their faces and bdies l re attractive.(P2,L19)

  4. In realit, these peple------,with all their baggage paced in suitcases.(P2, L12.)

  5. All these peple lve their bs, which ight nt be ppular, but are interesting regardless.(P3,L39)

  6. If there was n ne letter clearl chsen st, l at the tw st frequentl chsen.(P14,L30)

  7. These peple tae great pleasure in influencing, persuading,---(P15,L52)

  8. These peple are talented at adinistratin, lie t wr ---(P15,L57)