




  Every tree is known by its own fruit

  观其言行,知其为人Every tree is known by its own fruit

  观其言行,知其为人Is generous to people

  为人四海A responsible person

  为人负责的`人Hunter is infirm of purpose.

  亨特为人优柔寡断。I'm glad there's pride in you, puss.

  我巴不得你为人骄傲一些,姑娘。Destiny has ordained that they are who they are.

  命运已经决定了他们的性格为人。The other well-known regenerative process is citrate process

  另一种广为人知的再生法是柠檬酸法。Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of

  当前发生诸种事,大多为人所不知A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.

  一个文明的社会需要我们每个人品质优良,尊重他人,为人公平和宽宏大量。 humanness是什么意思:

  n. 为人,为人的资格;人性

  It is the most humane.

  它是最高尚的。 Human Resource Department is responsible for human resource management.

  人力资源部负责人力资源的管理工作。The accident was caused by human error.

  这一事故是人为错误造成的。Humans long to be immortal.

  人类渴望长生不老。 Selfishness is human nature.
