



  April Fools Day is coming, I hope you can play something technical.


  April Fools Day is coming, a lot of sincere words are coming to the surface.


  Ha ha ha, April Fools Day blessing, fool you with fun, fool unlimited!


  Like the 1st of every month, everything seems to be able to start all over again.


  Some people try to make fun of you, it is because someone is secretly in love with you.


  April Fools Day is abnormal high IQ, we need rational fools day.


  Todays April Fools day, I wish you a fool in life and happiness forever.


  Is it only on April Fools day that I can say I like you.


  April Fools day, serious may lose, not serious will be played to death.


  April Fools day, take their own integrity fun, is the real fool.


  Dont cry, dont fight back, dont sue the teacher.


  Tomorrows April Fools day, today was stupid, but I feel very happy!


  April Fools Day is coming. Its the most suitable day to choose the advertisement.


  April Fools day most afraid of the boss said overtime, go is not, do not go is not.


  I say love you, not because of April Fools day, that is my heart.


  April Fools day, a world that should lie, is telling the truth.


  May you be very stupid on April Fools day, show your personality and elegant demeanor.


  Everyone is a "liar", so life is more interesting.


  I wish you "fool" to "fool" happy, "fool" to "fool" happy!


  I wont tease you on April Fools day. Id better sweep your grave on Saturday.


  On April Fools day, Ill have fun with you. There is no limit to folly, happy April Fools day.


  I wish you a happy April Fools Day!


  That sister paper let me have April Fools day, I let her have Valentines Day!


  Hello everyone, today is April Fools day, can I cheat your heart?


  April Fools day, just give a liar a chance to tell the truth.


  1. On April Fool's day, how many people say what they really mean, but they are regarded as jokes.

  2. Some people say that Valentine's Day is April Fool's day because they are always saying false love words; April Fool's Day is Valentine's day, because someone will tell you the truth on April Fool's day.

  3. April Fool's day, you fool the people of the world, but you can't fool your heart.

  4. If anyone deceives me on April 1 fool's day, I will bury him on April 5 Tomb Sweeping Day! Don't ask me what I did in those three days, digging a hole!

  5. The sweet words of Valentine's Day deceive you, but the truth of April Fool's day can't move you!

  6. If no one confesses to you on April Fool's day, it's estimated that no one likes you.

  7. I only believe in two people in this world, one is me and the other is not you.

  8. If no one confesses to you on April Fool's day, no one really likes you.

  9. I want to tell you that I still love you on April Fool's day, but it's a pity that I don't even have the qualification to cheat you.

  10. As long as you are with you in the end, I can feel any pain caused by the process.

  11. Even on April Fool's day, I don't want to lie to you.

  12. I know why some people choose to confess on April Fool's day, because success can be a lover, failure can be a joke, and they won't lose you anyway.

  13. April Fool's day, the most want to joke, we and good?

  14. April Fool's day, I can boldly confess to you, because I can leave with a smile.

  15. Do you know what's the most painful thing about fighting landlords? It's that someone suddenly drops the line.

  16. Don't treat me as April Fool's day, and it's as lively as the Spring Festival, then I'll make your Qingming Festival more scary than Halloween.

  17. The difference between a lie and an oath is that one who listens takes it seriously and the other who speaks it seriously.

  18. April Fool's day has become a day of confession, and Valentine's day has become a day of breaking up.

  19. If you dare to confess to others on April Fool's day, I dare to bury you on Qingming Day.

  20. I want to find a handsome man quickly! Otherwise, all the good cabbages will be arched by pigs!






















  1. I had a good time last night. I felt it on my left and right. I felt it as I wished. I turned clouds and rain and competed with immortals. I opened the chicken two cake bar. Life is so heroic, with a lot of silver in your waist, happy dreams every day, and your wife and children are healthy and happy! Happy April Fool's Day!

  2. Be careful on April Fool's day; If a friend has a bad heart, you should be happy; If someone is kind, don't treat it as sincere; Always pay attention and be careful at all times; Send you a concern, I wish you peace of mind today. Happy April Fool's Day!

  3. You are the incarnation of the sun, bringing brilliant light and heat to the world; You are the embodiment of God and bring the truth and goodness of the beautiful world; You are the embodiment of wind and rain, bringing the nectar that feeds all things; You are the embodiment of time, bringing endless spring, summer, autumn and winter; You are the embodiment of friendship and bring boundless good luck. If you really believe it, you are the embodiment of fools and bring the happiness of April Fool's Day! Happy holidays!

  4. The strange appearance of April Fool's Day: some spend money, some suffer, some are cheated, some are stupid, some shed tears, some burst their lungs, and some are unlucky. Only you don't think so, because you have already realized all this!

  5. Laugh when you go out, laugh when you see people, laugh when love comes, laugh when you don't buy tickets, laugh when you go to work, laugh when you get a raise, laugh when you sleep and make a fortune. Please laugh on April Fool's day. Congratulations, a new fool is born.

  6. The lottery won 5 million, and the business was promoted to the backbone; The house loan has been paid off. When I wake up, I become a monk. Are you beautiful? However, forget to tell you the most important thing is: all this can only be achieved on April Fool's Day!

  7. One thing, if you can figure it out, it's heaven, but if you can't figure it out, it's hell. Since you are alive, you must live well. Don't always take everything seriously, don't drill the horn, don't be too face-saving, don't be careful. Don't care, is a kind of open-minded, a kind of free and easy. I don't care about you. I just wish you a happy April Fool's day.

  8. April 1 April Fool's day, the people who are fooled most are the people with the most friends, the people who are fooled most are the wisest and naughty people, the people who are not fooled are respected, and the people who don't want to fool others are loving people. No matter what kind of person you are, I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

  9. Career will not seek "stupidity" because of the wood. Love will never mix "stupidity" eyes. It often reaps the benefits of "stupidity" Weng. The wealth is rolling. There is "stupidity" every year, and good luck has "stupidity" every day. Wish: Happy April Fool's Day!

  10. The naive dust, the lively bundle, the freedom to fly, the smart package, so that happiness is hopeless. Release only a little foolishness and ignorance and wander the Jianghu. Dear friends, happy April Fool's Day!









