

1. The street lights of five fans and three roads, the night without people everywhere, the city is breathing symmetrically, but I cant cross the autumn water world, I sit on the stone bench and miss you, the sky has no stars and moon.

  2. Your future will be better than I can imagine.

  3. Relationships are built on the basis of your own strength. Dont hope that you will give nothing, but someone will help you selflessly.

  4. This world is full of people who cant take care of themselves. Its very rare to have people who can take care of your emotions.

  5. Its okay, its just a return to the original state. We have nothing.

  6. Treating you well does not mean that you are special. The next one may be treated the same as you.

  7. God wants us to be happy, and alcohol can testify.

  8. The normal state is like a paved road: it is comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.

  9. You are a very lovely person, you should meet the best person, and I really hope I am.

  10. Work hard to be excellent, or be afraid of losing anyone.

  11. Too little experience, trivial and trivial, are all troubles.

  12. Contentment and progress, gentle and firm.

  13. If someone is talking about you behind your back, it only means that your life is obviously much better than his.

  14. I want to accompany you, fishing for the moon on the snow-capped mountains, catching the stars with a net, picking a ray of breeze and drinking a bowl of old times.

  15. I want to be a quiet flowing cloud, blown by the wind as you like.

  16. May you be loyal to yourself day and night.

  17. Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, but there will always be a little joy.

  18. When all enthusiasm is exhausted, who are you?

  19. There is a lot of scenery and good luck.

  20. Be gentle and half liang, and live a life calmly.

  21. The moon will not run to you, but I will, the kind that is not far away.

  22. July is in the wild, August is in the house, September is in the house, and in October the crickets come under my bed.

  23. It is always important to keep a good figure and make yourself more beautiful.

  24. Life is warm and pure, reluctant to give up love and freedom.

  25. It doesnt matter, the darker the sky, the brighter the stars.

  26. Dont ask others if the things you like are good or not. Your life wont get better because of what others say. Its up to you to decide whether you like it or not.

  27. Passing through the mountains and rivers, I wish you a gentle reunion with yourself.

  28. The reason why you can be arrogant in front of me is just because I still like you.

  29. In the hourglass of time, the fine sand flows away the time. In the light sandalwood incense, it is time that burns out.

  30. What is warmer than the word cheer is that no matter the final result is good or bad, remember that I will always be there.

  31. When I fall in love with you, you are my weakness; when I am with you, you are my armor. And after leaving you, you became my scar.

  32. Those who should stay will always be there.

  33. The reason why we are confused is because we know that our brains are very hungry, but we only try to feed our stomachs.

  34. In short, the years are long, but it is worth the wait.

  35. It is precisely because the words that are said inadvertently have a real taste.

  36. Dont rely too much on anyone in this world, because when you are struggling in the dark, even your shadow will leave you.

  37. Oranges are not the only fruit, there are other possibilities in your life.

  38. I often struggle between staying up late to copy homework and going to bed early. Later, I chose to stay up late to play with my mobile phone.

  39. Other peoples stories are all stories, and my own is life. Listening to other peoples stories a thousand times is worse than doing ones own thing.

  40. All human suffering is a mockery of ones own incompetence.

  41. Some people are waiting for the misty rain, some people blame the rain.

  42. People must feel happy before they can see roses.

  43. This century is crazy, inhuman and corrupt. You have been sober, gentle, and spotless.

  44. When the wine enters the intestines, 70% of it turns into moonlight, and the remaining 30% of it roars into sword energy. When you spit it out from your cuff, it is half a prosperous Tang Dynasty.

  45. Whales fall into the sea, stars sink into depressions, wind hides in dense forests, and cicadas leak into the summer solstice. I want all the tenderness in the world to live in your eyes.

  46. One of the performances of living well is that you no longer need to prove to others that you are living well.

  47. Fengyue is beautiful, and the world is romantic.

  48. Dont envy anyone, go for what you want.

  49. Like me, have you said a lot of decisive words and done a lot of soft-hearted things?

  50. Never say that you are the most unlucky person in the world, otherwise God will think that you underestimate his ability.

  51. Plant your own flowers and love your own universe.

  52. I was carried away by the night, and I almost said I missed you.

  53. No matter where you are, the wind blowing through me is hugging you for me.

  54. Poetry and distance can only be achieved after the days when no one cares.

  55. Sober, gentle, aware of advance and retreat, hard-working and excellent.

  56. May the strong wind blow away the peach blossoms in ten miles.

  57. Go to a deserted island to touch the horns of sharks.

  58. Maybe there is a fire in our soul, but no one uses it to warm themselves up.

  59. I dont take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but because I dont know if I am important or not.

  60. Everything in the past is a prologue.

  61. Watermelon juice, a camisole, a fan that squeaks and turns, cool and a little sultry, the blue sky is pulling thick marshmallows, its July.

  62. Take the courage to take a step forward, take out the courage to raise your hand. When it comes to important things, you cannot fail to have the courage to ignore everything around you

  63. You are like a spring breeze, the bright galaxy I hide in my eyes.

  64. When you wonder in your heart whether he still loves you or not, he doesnt love you as much as he started

  65. If you miss the stars, dont miss the moon.

  66. If you hate me, I dont mind at all. I dont live to please you.

  67. Only when you are strong enough will you not be trampled on by others.

  68. Why should everyone know that something that can be passed with a smile will be known to everyone.

  69. The world is my food. People spend only a small amount of time eating, and most of the time digesting, and being alone is me digesting the world.

  70. The gift of life is that you are slowly getting better. You must stay happy and better in July!

  71. Some people and some things should be forgotten. People have never put you at ease, so why should you be sentimental.

  72. In fact, sometimes I lose my temper. Its not because I have a lot of temper, but because I give you too many smiles, he thinks you are easy to bully.

  73. In short, the years are long, but it is worth the wait.

  74. If you dont say something, it doesnt mean you dont know.

  75. I will coexist with you at every meaningful moment, far away from mountains and seas.

  76. Dont think about the bad, work hard for the good.

  77. Although your heart is sentimental, it never changes; your soul is submissive, but never compromises.

  78. People come and go, dont lose and dont forget.

  79. You came with the slow moonlight, and the snow seemed to be gentle.

  80. When pouring beer, there is always a layer of foam on it. It looks huge but it is full of air when you take a sip. So is the feeling you give.

  81. I want to drink rice wine with you on a rainy day. After three rounds of drinking, the bottom of the glass will be left to you.

  82. Time is rare, or I am not worth it.

  83. Go in your own direction, at least you are happy.

  84. There is no need to fear the darkness, but you have to be the light.

  85. You must have been a plastic bag in your previous life, besides knowing how to pack it.

  86. You see, the more desperate I am, the more powerful I am.

  87. For those who decide to forget, dont be overwhelmed when you see them again.

  88. The sunset falls into the far star field, the world is suddenly late, and the mountains and rivers are already autumn.

  89. Invite Xinghe for a night to be a guest in your dream.

  90. The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, but you are still lying and speaking so truthfully and deeply.

  91. Dont cry. Its ugly. Crying wont change anything. The world has never been gentle to anyone.

  92. I am alone, wading through muddy waters, across the four seasons, with no expression.

  93. Live up to your time, yourself, and being loved.

  94. If the weather is sunny there, you stay there; if the wind and rain are desolate there, please come back to me as soon as possible.

  95. To be charming, to kiss different lips, to like different people, but not to love anyone.

  96. The spring breeze does not know the way, where is this body?

  97. Sometimes there is a big hole in life, we can only look at the sweet part.

  98. We cant see all the snow that falls in a persons life. Everyone spends the winter alone in his own life.

  99. After a rain on the rooftop, fireworks fill the night sky. You see, the world is worth it after all.

  100. After enlightenment, he went to the water to fish for the moon. Along the way, the flowers are frivolous, and the lies are fragrant.