


  Leaving California

  Maroon 5 - V (Deluxe Version)

  Maroon 5 is very popular in China: 魔力红在中国很受欢迎

  I'd categorize them as a pop band: 我会把他们归在流行乐队这一类

  They've got some rocky and rockish songs but overall they're a pop band: 他们有一些比较摇滚的歌,但总的来说,还是流行乐队

  Their music is very accessible: 他们的音乐很大众化、大家都会接受

  The melody is very relaxing: 这周歌的旋律很放松

  It's a great tune: 是一首很好听的歌

  Get By

  Talib Kweli - Quality

  This is a punchy song: 这首歌很劲爆

  He's from Brooklyn: 他来自布鲁克林

  It's a very uplifting song: 这首歌很积极向上

  He's a very down to earth guy: 他是个很实在、没有架子的歌手

  The song talks about overcoming hardship and changing your life: 歌曲说的是克服生活中的困难、改变自己的人生

  The singer grew up in the projects in Brooklyn: 这个歌手是布鲁克林贫民窟长大的

  The message of the song is about changing your life: 这首歌的信息就是改变自己的生活


  Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club

  Buena Vista Social Club is a legendary Cuban band: 这是一个传奇的古巴乐队

  They're very old, some of the original members have passed away: 成员的年纪很大了,原始成员很多过世了

  Now they have new members: 现在他们有新成员

  They're worshipped by fans and musicians all over the world: 他们受到很多粉丝和音乐人的崇拜

  Their music is full of Latin American flare: 他们的音乐充满了拉美的热情

  It's very real, authentic: 很真实

  You can feel it in your soul: 你的灵魂能感受到

  What Do You Mean?

  Justin Bieber - Purpose (Deluxe)

  This is a great pop song: 这是很好听的一首流行歌

  It's very girly: 女人味儿太重了

  Justin Bieber's fans are mostly girls: 比伯的粉丝大部分是女生

  But his music has matured as he and his fans have matured: 但是他的音乐也随着他的成长、他粉丝的成长而成熟了

  It's produced well: 这首歌制作得很好

  Price Tag

  Jessie J;B.o.B - Price Tag

  Jessie J recently came to a music festival in Shanghai: Jessie J最近来了上海的一个音乐节

  This song has a great message: 我很喜欢这首歌的信息

  "Forget about the pricetag, we just wanna make the world dance": 忘记金钱,我们只想让世界跳舞

  This is her breakout song: 这是她的成名曲

  We've got a very eclectic playlist today


  Do you like it? 大家喜欢吗?

  Anderson Paak的The Bird,


  His style of music is very eclectic: 他的音乐风格很多样

  He just did a concert in Shanghai: 他最近来上海演出