

  1, my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.

  2. I don't know if I'm still waiting for the next year.

  3, love the smell of you, you will not know!

  4. No one in your love can take the place of you.

  5, I spent my life for a change of your turn.

  6, wait for a person without results, follow the principle of voluntariness.

  7, secret love is a kind of happy loneliness.

  8, because of expectation, will be disappointed.

  9, the silence of the guardian of you, silent wait for a miracle!

  10, do not ask you to understand my mood, the trials of a long journey.

  11. Look back at me. I've been behind you all the time.

  12. No matter what, I have no regrets that I once liked you.

  13, love a person needs courage, more need luck.

  14. Unfortunately, there is no you in the time.

  15, how to explain, the draft paper is your name.

  16, I am waiting for life, not for the moment you ningmou.

  17, an infatuated party is doomed to hurt the deepest, and the old infatuation has become empty.

  18, the secret love is the kind of poison that is the heart of the heart.

  19. I don't want to be friends with the people I love. I'm afraid I'm getting deeper and deeper!

  20, my choice is to love you or to love you more, your choice is to love me or not to love me!

  21, I will not love, but for you, I have changed in the heart.

  22, try to find a reason to persuade yourself this disorderly heart.

  23, the silence of the guardian of you, the silence of the miracle, silent let yourself like the air.

  24, when, you will think of me, like, I think of you like this.

  25, talking about the object does not affect learning, and the real influence of learning is the secret love.

  26, you did not give me a glance back, I was always smiling at you.

  27, love is seduction, and only love can resist the temptation to you.

  28, the person who is in love with one is painful, not as painful as the heart.

  29, between us, you are the sun, I am the moon, a little light of your light can illuminate all of me.

  30, passionate adieu, more Nakan cold clear autumn festival. Where is sober willow shore, the morning breeze and the lingering moon.

  31, the secret love needs to bear ten times in the first love fantasy, 100 times more lonely than the love of love.

  32, every word you said to me seemed to be said to another woman to hear, but I just play with.

  33. We don't know how to love when we are young. When we know how to love, we are no longer young.

  34, give me your romance. I can only stay with you every morning and evening!

  35, a person's secret love, a person's forever. A personal fantasy forever.

  36, blue curtains, glass like heart, transparent to you, but easy to be sad.

  37, I want to be a tree, grow in your way, not to peek at you, but secretly love you!

  38, every time you look at me, I pretend to look elsewhere, and when you look elsewhere, I've been looking at you.

  39, one day you can go to my mind, you will see that there is all the sadness that you give.

  40, just like his general feeling, as far as it is impossible to forget that.

  41, love is a person, although I can't dance solo, but I have already tasted the taste of loneliness.

  42, along the way, with the thief stared at you; I am not a thief, I just don't want to see the light.

  43. How I wish the teacher asked me: do you like him? I will not hesitate to say, "yes!"

  44, if you can, can not stay for more than one second, even if, you are just a long time traveler.

  45, Shouxiang Leiyan, actually Speechless choke. Read to Trinidad Yanbo, Shen Shen Kuo Chu song.

  46, everything I do is silent, bitter and sweet, and more of my heart pain.

  47, quietly I fell in love with you, but I only dare to hide this feeling in the bottom of the heart, even if it is to be a friend as long as you are happy.

  48. Who has not been suffering for the secret love? We always thought the infatuation was heavy and heavy, the heaviest weight in the world.

  49. Is there anyone like me? Sometimes a joke is a true idea in the subconscious mind.

  50, the secret love is a kind of courtesy, narcissism is a kind of pride, the love is a kind of style, not love is a taste.

  51, see the world, see Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost.

  52. The cruelest thing in the world is that you know I like you, but pretend I don't know!

  53, to be your good friend, is my only idea now, not to think more, not to fantasize.

  54. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made, and I'm just a passing traveler in your life.

  55, on the evening of Changting, cicadas chill and drearily shrill, showers early break. All door accounts drink no thread, the square is attached to the place, the orchid boat destroys the hair.

  56, I like you, so please do not walk around in my world, I'm afraid you come and I don't want you to go out.

  57. I've been walking alone for so many years, and I don't feel anything until you meet you. Would you like to go with me to finish the rest of the way?