

Dear teachers:

  Hello, my name is Qi Jun. I am a girl from the third grade liberal artsclass (11) in Langfang City, Hebei Province. Thank you very much for yourpatience to read my personal application materials. I know that a text messagecannot fully express myself, but I still insist on seeking truth from facts andtry to be brief and concise.

  When I caught the word "Tsinghua" from the perspective of a child, I onlythought that she was a nice name. The longing eyes of the adults made me curiousin ignorance. As I grew older, my deeper understanding of her gave me the freshand strong feeling of wanting to embrace her. The more you understand herhistory, the more profound the culture is; the more you understand her spirit,the more you feel the simplicity of human nature; the more you understand herpurpose, the more you feel the mighty road ahead. The motto of "ContinuousSelf-improvement and Virtue" has been with me for ten years and paved the wayfor my growth.


  I love life sincerely, and I am grateful for my optimistic, cheerful, andtenacious character. I wanted to harvest a ray of spring breeze, but she gave methe whole spring! So, I waved a table tennis racket and a badminton racket toadd vitality to her, accompanied her with the sound of piano ding-dong, and usedthe long flute and the honesty of cucurbit silk. Give her a quiet breath. Awayfrom emptiness, I am constantly striving for life!

  has never been forced to read a book, and his desire for knowledge is dueto his interest. Ever since my memory sprouts, the brilliance of human wisdomshining through the vast knowledge has fascinated me. Once, my strong interestin science made me obsessed with the "gravitation" of throwing an apple on myhead. However, the feeling of pain taught me that emotional impulses cannotreplace the rigorous logical thinking and reasoning of natural science. When Itended to perceptually looked at science as a second-year high school liberalarts student and tried to think from a philosophical perspective, I suddenlyunderstood: it turns out that there are so many magical commonalities in liberalarts and sciences, and liberal arts and sciences are for human beings. It isonly convenient to study the more refined and specialized division of laborbetween society and nature. Since then, I have determined to be a person withboth liberal arts and sciences. I believe that the sensibility of liberal artsand the logical thinking of science will make me sit on the blue sky and watchthe clouds rise and fall with a smile. I also found a reasonable reason for meto choose Tsinghua University to study liberal arts in a university withexpertise in engineering.

  I know that my happiness lies in the distant sky, and my doubts andthinking about learning, especially philosophy, seem to be constantly filling mywings. I read "History of Western Philosophy" and other books in private, got arough understanding of some philosophical schools, put forward some unscrupulousviews, and insisted on pursuing my "truth". Wandering in the sea of learning,I am constantly striving to improve myself!

  The Good and Virtuous Collection

  Virtue is the strength and anger of the soul. Being a moral and kind personhas always been my yardstick for measuring life. Our motherland not only needshigh-tech talents who are proficient in scientific research, but also a group of“reinforced concrete” that supports the backbone of China! This is theprecipitation of true Chinese virtues, true national cohesion! I was theschool’s loving ambassador to the disabled community , Their physical disabilityand mental tenacity affect every heartstring of my heart. It is myresponsibility to help them! I have also served as a voluntary publicist of thecity's mobile blood donation vehicle to do my part for the Wenchuandisaster-stricken people and pray silently. God bless Sichuan; and in the "fiveones" activity of honoring parents, the moment I touched my mother's callousfeet, I tried my best to hold back the tears, and I secretly swear: I will usemy life to reward you, my mother, in the next life. Let me be your mother, carefor you as you do to me!

  Honesty! When my wings carry such a weight, when my life is filled withsuch a sweet fragrance, how can the days burn pale into ashes, how can I notfind the way forward? Zhejiang University is autonomous AdmissionsRecommendation Letter

  Life Planning

  The social practice again and again has made me realize the importance oftaking effective activities and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, andalso understand the heavy responsibilities of being a youth of the motherland.The life trajectory I outlined is by no means a "home girl" in the new era, noris it a college student in an ivory tower. I am more inclined to take the roadof combining scientific research and social practice. While laying a solidacademic foundation, actively participate in social practice activities. Use thesummer vacation to find internship opportunities, increase practical experience,learn more about society from the grassroots, and cultivate a sense of socialresponsibility. At the same time, in a university full of fierce competition andchallenges, compete with a large number of the most active students and take abroad view of the world , Cultivate correct life values, and finally uphold thisthriving Tsinghua spirit!

  Yours sincerely,