

Dear x,

  When I considered what should be the next step in my development it was outof the question that I would go for a degree at University. At school I provedto be a successful quick-learner in every subject, yet there were twocircumstances that influenced most strongly my final decision in which area toexpand my knowledge. Those were my background and experience gained during myschool years.

  The ever-changing world of business is what I witness every day on thestreets and at school, it is an important background for whatever media - radio,television etc. Realizing its influence over world matters of utmostimportanceas well as such of personal preferences, it is impossible not toacknowledge its dynamic nature. Moreover, all business areas under go constantdevelopment which is to make them better and more successful. But apart fromindirectly being a part of the system, it is a whole new world when you aredirectly involved in it. For the last five years I had the chance to take anactive part in the family business thus gained first-hand experience of thebusiness world. All of the above has led me to realizing that no matter whatrole you want to play in the business world it is vital to know the basicprinciples as well as being up-to-date. That is why at this point of my personaldevelopment I strongly aspire to make my next step as an International Financeand Trade student at the International University College. I am eager to obtainthe academic knowledge that will not only explain in theory my experience ofmany years, but will also introduce me to things I have not known andexperienced before.

  From my earliest childhood I had been presented the opportunity to overseethe development of a small business in the dynamic atmosphere of worldeconomics. At the beginning I would only help my parents mind the store. Butthrough the years as I advanced academically I developed a deeper understandingof the matter and proved greater efficiency. In the competitive and challengingage, as it is today, it is of great importance to be as effective as possible.In the light of this, the family business instilled some great values in me.Chief among them was the value of hard work. It was a matter of course thatevery member of the family must give the best he can for the general welfare. Imade no exception. Thus I experienced both the inner, rough side of thebusiness,starting from things like goods supplying, through understanding ofcash flow, contracts and conditions, price setting and costs to rivalry andplots, and the outer side of which the general public is aware – marketing,sales consulting, professional service and maintaining an optimistic andproductive climate. I learned a great amount of valuable skills such asscrutinizing complex situations and problem solving, managing multipleassignments, flexibility when setting a priority as to streamline the workprocess, judicious attitude when making bargains, training and motivatingemployees to do better than they thought they could. Being a loyal and devotedworker is probably the most important premise for success. And it is not just aquestion of business, but rather one concerning a person’s attitude of mind. Iknow what I am capable of and always try to do better wherefore mediocrityterrifies me. In my opinion there is no excuse for a lazy mind. I rememberreading a thing Jacques Cousteau once said that perfectly fits here. It soundslike this: “When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead anextraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself”. I cannot agree morewith him.

  As far as education is concerned, it has been of great value to me in viewof broadening my conception of the world. The diversity of classes taught atschool helped me realize and develop my intrinsic talents, shaped my personalityand gave me a clear idea of the best ways to fulfill my potential. I was mostlydrawn to mathematics because of the logical and strategic look over things itteaches. From it I learned to see the big picture as well as being in charge ofevery little detail. I especially enjoyed the English and German languageclasses where the knowledge of fluency seemed to come naturally to me. Furtheron, I got the chance to take part in a school international project called“Media – a meeting point for everyone in Europe”. Due to my Ukrainian-Bulgarianorigin I found no difficulty in building confidence in interacting with peoplefrom different national backgrounds. Because of the focus of the project on thebasic ways in which media communicates with people this experience added to myawareness of the manipulation and application of technology. It allowed me todevelop an ability to collect and analyze data in order to distill the essenceand present it clearly and concisely. Through this project I became conscious ofsome of the core principles of marketing, namely flexibility and thinkingoutside of the box.

  Books have made a huge impact on my future goals. I have always beeninterested in studying biographies of famous people as to analyze their way ofthinking and strategies they use in real-life situations. Through readingbesides getting to know Plato, Nietzsche, Jung and their philosophies, I metsuch figures as Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki who deeply influenced myperception of the nature of money and of the world as a whole. From these twomentors I learned some successful principles which have lasted over hundreds ofyears, I learned what a lifestyle really means as well as what it is worth.

  All of the above stand behind my strong aspiration to fulfill my potential.I want to acquire the academic knowledge needed in order to hold privilege jobsand top positions in the future and be able to make the best decisions in thebusiness world. I am ready to take full advantage of the opportunities lifepresents and dedicated to do more, be more and give more and better my bestevery day. This is the way in which everyone will benefit.

  Yours sincerely,