


  影片改编自安布拉谢尔(Ann Brashares)于2001年出版的同名小说,在之后一年多的时间里,该书一直稳居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,进而成为席卷全美国的文化热潮,赢得了读者和评论界的一致好评。 在投身文学之前,布拉谢尔是个狂热的书迷,并曾在一家小型出版公司中作过编辑。当回想起创作《牛仔裤的夏天》的灵感时,她说:当时我正在和一个朋友聊天,她谈起曾和几个朋友共同分享一条裤子,于是出于种种原因,我产生了很多不同的想法。我猜想谁会穿这条裤子,这对他们意味着些什么,以及命运会将他们带向何方。

  1.Being happy isnt having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe its about stringing together all the little things. 幸福并不意味着一切都十全十美?幸福也许就是记住那些微不足道的小事。

  2.As hard as it is to be sad about it, maybe its harder not to be. 悲惨已经够难受了?强忍悲伤只会更难受。

  3.Some people show off their beauty, because they want the world to see it. Others try to hide their beauty, because they want the world to see something else.?The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 有些人想要展现他们的美丽 因为他们想让别人看到他们的'美丽?有些人却努力隐藏他们的美丽?因为他们想让别人看到他们有的不只是美丽的外表。

  4.Maybe sometimes its easier to be mad at the people you trust, because you know theyll always love you, no matter what. 有时候我们更容易对我们相信的人生气?因为你知道她们不管怎样都会永远爱你。

  5.No, Carmen, come over here and look at yourself. They look amazing on you. Look at them. 不?卡门 过来照照镜子?你穿着很好看 你看看。

  6.Im wallowing in self-pity. 我觉得自己很可怜

  7.Not of dying, really. Its more that Im afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who Im supposed to be... to find my place in the world before I have it. Im afraid of what Ill miss. 我不怕死?真的。我更害怕时间?害怕时间不够用?害怕没有时间考虑我将成为什么样的人害怕我离开这世界前没有时间找到我在这里的位置?我害怕将要失去的一切。