




  Client: _________ (referred to as Party A)

  Address: ___________________________

  Tel: ___________________________

  Fax: ___________________________

  Trustee: __________ (referred to as "Party B")

  Address: ___________________________

  Tel: ___________________________

  Fax: ___________________________

  In accordance with the principle of good faith, according to the relevant provisions of the lawyers law, the general principles of civil law, the contract law and other laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following provisions on the issue of Party A's entrustment to Party B through friendly negotiation.

  Chapter 1 entrustment

  The first item that Party A entrusts Party B is: the entrusting payment.

  1. Party A entrusts Party B to take legal means and measures to properly solve the problem of party a _________ _________ million yuan, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Party A in accordance with the law.

  2. the parties agree that Party B's agency: - non - risk agency risk agency;

  Second party a guarantee

  1. the receipt of Party B's receipt shall not violate the relevant laws and regulations of the state, and shall not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

  2. to provide Party B with the true and comprehensive background of the entrustment collection, as well as the effective clues.

  3., within the validity period of this agreement, no third party shall be entrusted without the written consent of Party B. otherwise, Party A shall pay the performance fee and commission to Party B according to the provisions of this agreement if Party B has fulfilled the obligations of this agreement.

  4. during the effective period of this Agreement without the written consent of Party B in this Agreement and can't reach any agreements or arrangements and shall not be deemed, otherwise Party B has fulfilled its obligations under this agreement, Party A shall pay according to the agreement compliance costs and commissions to Party b;

  5. without the written consent of Party B, the identity of Party B and the content of this Agreement shall not be leaked to the investigator.

  6. actively cooperate with Party B's work and provide timely information and support in accordance with Party B's needs.

  Third party B guarantee

  1. from the date of the signing of this agreement, the Party A shall be promptly informed of the substantive progress of the entrustment.

  2. the entrustment receipts entrusted to the Party A and the secret of the business secrets of Party A know in the course of the investigation.

  Third chapter cost and payment

  The Fourth Party A shall pay the agency commission to Party B in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. non risk agents: Party A shall pay to Party B in the signing of the contract upfront costs _________ yuan, according to the commission the amount of debt payment _________%.

  2. risk agency: Party A should be in receipt of the debt after the day to pay the Commission, the Commission according to the amount paid _________%.

  The fourth chapter the entry into force of the contract and the dissolution of the contract

  The fifth agreement shall come into force on the date of signature and seal by Party A and B.

  Sixth in the case of the following circumstances, Party B has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

  1. Party A has violated the guarantee and commitment in the second chapter, making this agreement impossible or difficult to carry on.

  2. the entrustment receipts entrusted by Party A are difficult to confirm.

  Seventh in the case of the following circumstances, Party A shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

  Party B has violated its guarantee and commitment in the third chapter, making this agreement impossible or difficult to carry on.

  The fifth chapter of breach of contract

  Eighth if any party ("defaulting party") in violation of the obligations under this agreement, the party in breach in receipt of the other party ("non defaulting party") for correction of the breach of the written notice, should immediately stop its breach of contract and compensation for losses caused by the non breaching party so all in _____ days. If the defaulting party shall continue to breach or do not fulfill their obligations, the other party in all its losses and get the party in breach compensation, also has the right to terminate this agreement.

  The Ninth Party A, in violation of its guarantee and commitment in the second article of this agreement, does not have the right to request Party B to return the Commission, and shall bear the loss incurred by Party B.

  The tenth Party B shall return the Commission to Party A, and shall bear the loss incurred by Party A as a result of the breach of its guarantee and commitment in the third article of this agreement.

  The Eleventh Party B shall not refund the initial cost for the termination of this agreement by the sixth article of this agreement.

  Twelfth if Party A can't pay the Commission to Party B according to the prescribed time, each overdue day shall pay to Party B ____% surcharge.

  The parties are not liable for the thirteenth article, which can not be performed by this agreement due to force majeure.

  The sixth chapter dispute settlement

  Fourteenth if both parties to the dispute should be resolved through consultation, the consultation fails any party shall have the right to apply for arbitration or litigation _________.

  The seventh chapter

  The fifteenth articles of this Agreement shall be settled by Party A and B by negotiation.

  The sixteenth appendix of this agreement is an effective part of the contract and has the same legal effect.

  The seventeenth article of this agreement is two copies, each party holds one copy and has the same legal effect.

  Party A (Gai Zhang): Party B: _________ _________ (Gai Zhang)

  Party A: Party B: ______________ _____________

  The time of signing: _____________


  委托方:_________ (简称“甲方”)









  第一章 委托事项

  第一条 甲方委托乙方的事项为:委托收款。



  第二条 甲方保证







  第三条 乙方保证



  第三章 费用及支付

  第四条 甲方按如下规定向乙方支付代理佣金:



  第四章 合同生效及解除









  第九条 甲方违反其在本协议第二条中的保证与承诺,无权要求乙方退还佣金,并应承担乙方因此而遭受的损失。

  第十条 乙方违反其在本协议第三条中的保证与承诺,乙方应向甲方退还佣金;并应承担甲方因此而遭受的损失。

  第十一条 乙方因本协议第六条规定事由单方面解除本协议收取的前期费用不予退还。

  第十二条 甲方若不能按规定时间向乙方支付佣金,每逾期一天应向乙方支付____‰的滞纳金。

  第十三条 因不可抗力致本协议无法履行的,双方都不承担责任。

  第六章 争议解决

  第十四条 如果甲乙双方就本合同发生纠纷应协商解决,协商不成任何一方均有权向_________申请仲裁或提起诉讼。

  第七章 其它

  第十五条 本协议未尽事宜,由甲乙双方协商解决。

  第十六条 本协议附件为合同的有效组成部分,具有同等法律效力。

  第十七条 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具同等法律效力。

  甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章): _________

  甲方代表:_____________ 乙方代表:______________
