



本单元的话题是谈论天气情况和周末活动。Story time 以日记的形式记录Yang Ling周末的一天, 让学生进一步认识和理解一般过去时的用法。教师可以利用学生用书五年级上册Unit7 At weekends的词汇设计教学活动,要求学生运用一般过去时描述刚过去的周末活动。


1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.

2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain

3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音

4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型

5. 学生能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解


1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.

2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain,、

3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音

4. 学生能初步感知天气表达的句型


Step 1 Warm up


Free talk

T: Hello, boys and girls.

Would you know something more about me?

Two days ago, I was in Shanghai. Do you know Shanghai ?

It’s a big and beautiful city. I

Review : was(am的过去式) ago

But now ,I am in Zhangjiagang. It’s beautiful, too.


3.T: Can you let me know something about you?

Look at the screen, you can choose one part to tell me something about you.

出示 Favourite Food, Favourite Animal, Hobbies三个话题

在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey

在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show

在Hobbies话题中引出I like drawing and writing diaries very much.

Teach: diaries diary

T:Look ,these are my pictures. Let’s look at them.

Teach: sunny cloudy windy rainy

T: These pictures are about the weather.

Teach: weather

Step 2. Presentation

1.show a picture

T: This is Yang Ling.

She likes drawing and writing diaries ,too.


T: This is a diary of hers. What a day!

What day is it today? Sunday

What date is it today? 20th September(9月20号)


引出课题Unit 2 What a day! T:Let’s look at Yang Ling’s pictures.

What can you see in the picture?

(1)S:I can see some children in the park.

T:Who are they?

S: Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.

(2) We can see some parrots in the park.

(3) fly kites

(4) rain

4.Let’s talk 出示课文相关图片展开讨论

Look and match 在此过程中教授动词过去式的特殊变化形式

go→went see→saw become→became fly→flew are→were

Then read the sentences in the right orders. (Teach: wet)

5.Read the diary by yourself, then finish the exercise. (T/F)

6.Read the diary


在此活动中教授bring过去式brought, can过去式could

Step 3.Consolidation

1.Let’s read

a.Read after one.

b.Read together.

c.Read one by one.

2.T:What do you think of her day?

Happy? Interesting? Terrible? Bad?

Step 4.Homework

1. Read the text.

2. Try to retell the diary according to YL’s pictures.


Unit 2 What a day!

It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.

go→went fly→flew

see→saw are→were

become→became bring→brought





能初步听懂、会说、会读单词lovely, nine, eight, our, five, six, seven, ten.

2. 能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.


能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.




step 1. Greeting and warm up

T: …, please close the door.

…, please close the window.

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Cui.

T: …, can you count from one to ten? 学生试着说。

What’s this number? (呈现数字8)

Ss: Eight. (T教eight,以同样的方法教nine,ten)

Step 2.Presentation and practice .

T:(出示Mike, Helen, Tim的图片)Look, Helen is Mike’s brother. Mike is nine. And how old are you?

Ss: I’m eight/nine /ten .


T: Good. And how old is Helen? Guess! (引导学生猜测Helen的年龄)

Step 3. Learn to say .

出示图片T:This is a museum. Mike and his family are in a museum. What can you see? Ss: Toys.

T: Yes, and what are they going to do ? Let’s have a look.

1.观看动画,整体感知课文:Do they see toys in the museuml? How do they feel?

Find the sentence: Look!How lovely!

2.提出问题,让学生带着问题再听一遍录音:How old is Mike? How old is Helen?

How old is Tim?

学生操练:How old are you ? I’m nine/eight/two.

仔细读课文,找出: What is for Mike/Helen/Tim?

出图片3 :This is for you. Thank you.

出图片4 :Here you are . Thank you.

4.Read after the tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。

Read together. 注意人物的表情和动作。

Read in roles.让学生自己去读,感受语音语调,鼓励学生加入自己的感情动作来表演对话。

Retell. 出示图片,让学生回忆出气泡里的内容

Act in roles. 4人小组进行表演。

Step 4 Consolidation

Make a dialogue.


T:Now I’m the shopkeeper at the Toy Museum. Look at the toys .

Ss: How lovely!

T: Hello! How old are you?

S: I’m … .

T: This …is for you./Here you are.





2. 抄写四会单词。

3. 记住家里的电话号码、门牌号、车牌号





1 、能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s.

2、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye,… He’s/She’s… He’s/She’s my friend.











Setp1: class opening and revision

Free talk

T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning , Miss Tang.

T: Hello, Are you …?

S1: Yes, I am. /No, I am not. /Yes, you are right.

T: ok, now I have some cards. You should read them quickly and loudly.



1、let’s enjoy a song

2、there are two person.(出示人物卡片)he’s Mike. He’s Joe. Mike is my friend and Joe is my friend too. So they are my friends.(出示板书,教授新词friends我的朋友们)出示单词卡,巩固发音。

3、So today we will learn unit 3 My friends.(引出课题my friends)

4、展示PPT,there is a person, but I can’t see her clearly. Can you guess who she is?S2: Yang Ling

T: Yes, she is Yang Ling. (板书she’s …她是…。) 同桌反复操练句型。


We have many friends, we are all friends. For example, she’s … She’s my friend.

Pair work

let’s introduce your friends

he’s ….he’s my friend.

She’s…she’s my friend.

Setp3: story time

1. Watch and answer

Q1who’s Mike’s friend?

Q2How does Mike introduce his friend?

2. Listen and underline

3. watch again


4、read in different ways

5、play in roles

Step4:interesting practice



try to retell the story


Unit 3 My friends



He’s __x. 他是__x。

He’s my friend.他是我的朋友。

She’s __x. 她是__x。

She’s my friend.她是我的朋友。


The 4th period

Teaching Aims:

1. The students can practice three special sounds.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can listen and find.

Teaching Emphasis:

1.How to practice the special sounds.

2.How to listen to the story and do exercise.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to practice the special sounds.

2. How to listen and do some exercise.

Teaching process:


Special sounds.

T: Have the children open the books at page78 and look at the pictures of the drum, the flowers and the frog. Have them try to read them.

S: Look at the pictures and try to read them.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen carefully for the difference between the sounds /dr/ /fl/ and /fr/.

S: Listen to the tape carefully and find difference.

T: Play the tape again and have the children read after the tape.

S: Listen and repeat.

T: Have the children try to remember some words. Have the children look at the blackboard and read the other words.

S: Look at the blackboard and read the words after the teacher.


Match the ordinal numbers

T: Have the children open their books at page 32 and look at the prizes and words on top of the page. Have them read the words first.

S: Look at the prizes and read the words.

T: Point to the pictures of the prizes with the race position given and to the ordinal number words. Tell the children that they have to match the words and numbers.

S: Try to match the words and numbers.

T: Explain that people sometimes use the ordinal numbers instead of their names in writing.

S: Listen and think.


Read and label the prizes

T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain the five objects are prizes in a competition and they have to read the sentences and then write the ordinal numbers under the corresponding object.

S: Look at the pictures and read the sentences and write the ordinal numbers.

T: Put the children in pairs to read the sentences and label the objects.

S: Read the sentences and label the objects.


Listen and check

T: Have the children look at the pictures on the top of page 33. Explain that the two children in the pictures is talking about things they did yesterday. Have the children say what they think the child in the picture did yesterday.

S: Look at the pictures and guess.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen to the tape carefully.

S: Listen to the tape.

T: Play the tape again and have the children check what the boy did in the pictures.

S: Listen to the tape and check.


Let’s find out

T: Have the children think about the sports that they usually to do.

S: Try to think.

T: Have the children look at the bottom of the page. Have them read the conversation between the two children. Explain that you want them to interview at least three children for sports they did last week, and they need to take notes on the lines provided.

S: Read the conversation and interview three children.

T: When the children finished, ask them to read their notes to the class.


Recite the words.



The 5th period

Teaching Aims:

1. The students can read the story and do some exercise.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can listen and write the words.

Teaching Emphasis:

1.How to read the story.

2.How to listen to the story and do exercise.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to read the story and do exercise.

2. How to listen and do some exercise.

Teaching process:


Review the story.

T: Have the children try to think the story.

S: Try to think.

T: Tell the story to the student.

S: Listen and think.


Read the story.

T: Have the children open their books at page 34 and look at the pictures. Ask them to predict what is going to happen in this part of the story.

S: Look at the pictures and try to guess.

T: Have the children read the story .

S: Read the story.

T: Have the children read the story with teacher.

S: Read the story together.


Number the pictures.

T: Have the children look at the pictures again and then number the pictures in the order.

S: Read the story again and number the pictures.

T: Have the children find the sentences about the pictures in the text.

S: Find the sentences.


Check the correct answer.

T: Explain to children that the unfinished sentences all relate to this part of the story. All the information they need to complete the sentences is in the text. Have the children read the story and do exercise.

S: Read the story and do exercise.

T: Have the children check the answer in pairs.

S: Correct the answer.


Listen and write the words.

T: Explain to the children that they are going to listen to the story from the chicken’s point of view.

S: Look at the pictures.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen carefully .

S: Listen to the tape carefully.

T: Play the tape again and have the children write the missing words.

S: Listen to the tape and try to do it.

T: Have the children read the story and check the answer.

S: Read the story and correct the answer.


Tell the story to their parents.