


  Dear sIr/madam:

  thank you for your letter of [date].

  Im glad that you are also goIng to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the[exhIbItIon/trade faIr]. our company Is havIng a receptIon at [hotel] on the evenIng of [date] and I would be very pleased If you could attend.

  I look forward to hearIng from you soon.

  yours sIncerely,

  [name] [tItle]


  Dear sIr/madam:

  Im delIghted you have accepted our InvItatIon to speak at the conference In [cIty] on [date]. as we agreed, youll be speakIng on the topIc from [tIme] to [tIme]. there wIll be an addItIonal mInutes for questIons. would you please tell me what kInd of audIo-vIsual equIpment youll need. If you could let me know your specIfIc requIrements by [date], Ill have plenty of tIme to make sure that the hotel provIdes you wIth what you need.

  thank you agaIn for agreeIng to speak.

  I look forward to hearIng from you.

  sIncerely yours,

  name] [tItle]


  Dear sIr/madam:

  on [date], we wIll host an evenIng of celebratIon In honor of the retIrement of [name], presIdent of [company]. you are cordIally InvIted to attend the celebratIon at [hotel], [locatIon], on [date] from to p.m. [name] has been the presIdent of [company] sInce [year]. durIng thIs perIod, [company] expanded Its busIness from to . now Its our opportunIty to thank hIm for hIs years of exemplary leadershIp and wIsh hIm well for a happy retIrement. please joIn us to say good-bye to [name].

  see you on [date].

  yours sIncerely,