


  Certificate,当然如果是不同的证明用不同的单词:比如说收入证明-Income Certificate; 在学证明-Schooling Certificate等等

  certificate of authentication 认证证明


  1.certificate of weight 重量证明书

  2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B.C. 由中国商品检验局出具的品质和数量检验证明书一式三份

  3.phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书

  4.plant quarantine certificate 植物检疫证明书

  5.fumigation certificate 熏蒸证明书

  6.certificate stating that the goods are free from live weevil 无活虫证明书(熏蒸除虫证明书)

  7.sanitary certificate 卫生证书

  8.health certificate 卫生(健康)证书

  9.analysis certificate 分析(化验)证书

  10.tank inspection certificate 油仓检验证明书

  11.record of ullage and oil temperature 空距及油温记录单

  12.certificate of aflatoxin negative 黄曲霉素检验证书

  13.non-aflatoxin certificate 无黄曲霉素证明书

  14.survey report on weight issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之重量检验证明书

  15.inspection certificate 检验证书

  16.inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明书



  According to the draft law, taxes on vehicles with engines smaller than 2.0 liters, which account for 87 percent of China's cars, will be reduced and vehicle owners should submit tax certificates in order to qualify for a road-worthinecertificate.


  上面报道中的'road-worthinecertificate就是“机动车行驶证”,是准予机动车在我国境内道路上行驶的法定证件。该证上详细记载了许多重要的信息,包括license plate number(车牌号码)、车主姓名、engine serial number(发动机号)和vehicle identification code(车架号码)、载重量或者乘坐人数、初次登记日期以及annual vehicle inspection(年度检验)记录等。

  新出台的vehicle and vessel taxation(车船税)是按机动车的engine capacity(发动机排量)来分档计征的,旨在提高energy efficiency(能源效率)和公众的environmental awareness(环保意识),鼓励人们购买和使用fuel-efficient vehicles(节能车)。