



  Experts quickly realized that there were two possible explanations for the decline of sea otters: environmental pollution or attacks by predators. 专家很快认识到,海獭数量减少有两个可能的原因:环境污染或来自捕食者的攻击。

  When the price difference between two products is small, for example, less than 5 percent in the case of eco-certified wood products, American consumers often choose on factories other than price. 当两种产品之间的价格差距非常的小(在环保认证木材制品的案例中,这种差距小于5%),美国消费者会考虑生产厂商而不是价格。



  These animals could run very fast, reaching speeds up to 125 kilometers per hour. 这些动物奔跑速度非常快,可以达到每小时125千米。

  Cane toads were introduced to Australia in 1935 with the expectation that they would protect farmers’ crops by eating harmful insects. 蔗蟾于1935年被引入澳大利亚,期待它们通过吃害虫来保护农民的.庄稼。


  句子的开头一般不使用阿拉伯数字,如:15 couples were invited to participate in a survey that aimed to figure out the fatal elements leading to personal success.十五对夫妇被邀请参与到一项调查之中,该调查的目的是探究个人成功最重要的要素。

  较好的表达方式为:Fifteen couples were invited to participate in a survey that aimed to figure out the fatal elements leading to personal success.


  表达小数(或分数)时,尽量使用数字,如:The government has spent over $12.4 million constructing new recreational facilities for local residents in the past few decades. 在过去的几十年间,政府花费了超过1240万元用于为当地居民建造新的娱乐设施。