

新学期英语学习计划 篇1



  1. 单词,来自你的课本,来自你的学习资料。第一步先找到单词,可以选择背你书本上的词汇表,也可以选择培训班上发的词汇表。

  2. 定量,1年级每天背1-2个单词,一周5-10个单词,周末进行巩固复习。主要根据发音规律掌握认读及重要字母的填空拼写,如c_t,可以根据发音进行填写。

  2年级每天背3-5个单词,一周15-25个单词,周末进行巩固复习。除了根据发音规律来掌握单词外,可以开始尝试增加运用已经学习过的英文从句来进行英文互译的练习,如This is a place where we can play football. 学生要求写出playground.



  3. 反复,不要指望背了就会了,也不要指望背一遍就能记住。我们一开始学说话,也不是听一遍就会了的,那么,我们现在开始学英语,也是一个道理。

  4. 方法,背单词的好方法没有捷径,也不要听信什么奇思妙法,所有的方法都是基于踏实去读、去运用的。切忌不要去按照中文来发英文,没有一个中文发音可以完全对应英文的发音。


  1. 选材,选择适合你的听力材料,不要听到什么教材就去听,也许不适合孩子,反而打击孩子。1-3年级的孩子可以从最简单的彩绘故事读本、小段故事、儿歌开始,简单易懂,孩子也喜欢,比如床头灯英语读物,或者去一些网站搜索一些英文儿歌;4-6年级的孩子,可以选择市面上的各种喜欢的'读物,带听力光盘的就可以。或者可以买些KET、PET相关的听力题作为好的听力材料,耳濡目染多了,也就适应了英文,适应了那个语速、语音。

  2. 动画,除了看书之外,看动画无疑是最佳的消遣方式,有视觉冲击,会使人印象深刻,也能领略英美文化,看看美国人和英国人是如何教育孩子的,因为动画大片会有大批美国家庭带着孩子观看,所以还是很有教育意义的。褚连一老师认为,比喜洋洋灰太狼有意义多了,至少不仅仅是纯粹的娱乐,还有很深的道理用简单平实的故事来诠释。


  开卷有就有益,对于1-3年级的小盆友,可以选择很精美的彩色英文绘本,有彩图加小段英文,看图就能知道意思了,不用买很难、很长的书。目的是养成喜 欢看书的习惯,同时不要带中文,否则这本英文读物就废了,孩子一定不看英文,就没有意义了,看不懂可以问,问了就自然学习了;对于4-6年级学生,已经学 了这么多年英语了,多少也算有基础的了,可以开始读一些书了,经典的The Little Prince《小王子》,要多看几遍,还有Charlie and the chocolate factory《查理和巧克力工厂》等,里面还有很多好听的适合孩子英文小插曲。

新学期英语学习计划 篇2











新学期英语学习计划 篇3

  The new term is coming and i will be wiser and wiser because i will learn more knowlege.I will do more meaningful things that makes my life more colorful. First,i will enrich my everyday activities and do more sports, such as:Ping pong,football and basket ball. Sports are really interesting,aren't they? Second,i will read more books, just as the saying goes: the more , the better. It's true that I know more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very big from books. Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.I'm really looking forward to the coming future.I am ready to face the future!

新学期英语学习计划 篇4

  Another new term is coming again. Hence, i should make a study plan to improve myself.

  Firstly,i decide to finish my homework more carefully than before. And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn't know it clearly. I will go through the knowlege that i have learned and consolidate it. Furthermore, i will have more patience for the new knowledge that i am facing.

  Secondly,i will do a lot of reading to widen horizons and try to combine thoery to practice. I believe that i can benefit a lot from books.

  Finally, i will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful. I want to improve my social skills and have a better connection with my classmates.

  That's what i plant to do in a new term.