小班教案 | 小班英语活动教案:Myface


  一、Teaching purpose:

  1、学习英文单词face ,chin的发音


  3、复习单词:eye ear mouth nose

  二、Teaching preparation:

  小盒子、卡片、stickers 、人体的五官图片、音乐CD。

  三、Teaching process:


  T:good morning boys and girls

  C: good morning Miss ling

  T: How s the weather?

  C:I am fine, thank you

  T: Boys and girls we have learned nose ,mouth ,eyes and ears .now lets do the warm up OK?

  S: Ok !

  Two big eyes ,look look look

  One little nose , smell smell smell

  Two big ears ,listen , listen , listen

  One little mouth , yummy yummy yummy

  T: , everyone ,very very good .

  2、Learn new words .

  T:教师指着自己的下巴问幼儿:“what is this?”待幼儿回答后,教师可以告诉幼儿下巴有个很好听的英文名字chin,(着重训练幼儿的读音)


  Game (1):Ok now let us play a game:

  There is a box in my hand ,everyone look and listen carefully .(教师介绍游戏规则,在这个环节中教师可以根据需要用stickers表扬表现好的幼儿)

  T: Touch your face (用食指指脸)

  Touch your chin (用食指指头发)

  Touch your ears (用食指指耳朵)

  Touch your eyes(用食指指眼睛)

  Touch your mouth (用食指指嘴巴)

  Touch your nose (用食指指鼻子)

  (教师可以根据需要反复强调face chin)或者贴五官的游戏!

  3、结束:播放英文歌曲《My face》幼儿与教师一起表演。