

  Module I Unit I Do you use chopsticks in England?

  1.Listen,point and find "Do you...?"I'm hungry.我饿了.

  Do you want noodles?你想吃面条吗?


  Mmm.The noodles are good.嗯,这面条很好吃.

  Oh no!Look at the mess!噢,不!你弄的很脏!

  Do you use chopsticks in England?在英格兰你用筷子吗?

  No,we don't.不,我们不用.

  They are hard for English people.它们对英国人来说是很难的

  We use a knife and fork.我们使用刀叉.

  Oh,it's hard for Chinese people.噢,那对中国人来说是很难的.

  It's easy for English people.那对英国人来说是简单的.

  2.Listen and say. Do you use chopsticks in England?在英格兰你用筷子吗?

  No,we don't.不,我们不用.

  We use a knife and fork.我们使用刀叉.

  Module I Unit 2 I'm eating hamburgers and chips

  1.Listen and repeat.What are you eating?你在吃什么?

  I'm eating hamburgers and chips.

  It's English fast food.这是英国快餐.

  I like noodles.我喜欢面条.

  It's Chinese fast food.这是中国快餐.

  2.Listen, point and say.Daming is eating rice.大明在吃米饭.

  He's using chopsticks.他用的是筷子.

  Lingling is eating noodles.玲玲在吃面条.

  She's using chopsticks.她用的是筷子.

  Mrs Smart is eating meat and chips.Smart夫人吃肉和薯片

  She's using a knife and fork.她用刀和叉.

  Amy is eating a hamburger.艾米在吃汉堡包.

  She's using her hands.她用的是双手.

  Sam is eating sweets.萨姆在吃糖.

  He's using his hands.他用的是双手.

  4.Listen and say.Then say the poem.You speak English.你说英语.

  We speak Chinese.我们说汉语.

  We use chopsticks. 我们用筷子.

  Try them, please.来试一试.

  We speak English.我们说英语.

  You speak Chinese.你们说汉语.

  We use a knife and fork.我们用刀和叉.

  Try them, please.来试一试.

  Module 1 Word List 单词表



