


Lesson 1

一.教学内容 Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk)


1.能正确听,说,朗读“Who is ...?-- He/She is...What’s he/she like? -- He/She is... Is he/she…?--Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”

2.能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词 old ,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever.

3.能听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk 的内容并在真实场景中运用。


重点:学生能够表演Main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际 情况用英语讨论他人外貌与性格特征。

难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”


教师自制的单词卡 、录音机、录音带


Step1. Warming-up

1.Let’s look and say the names.(教师出示本单元通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。)

2.Let’s listen and sing”Who’s your teacher?”

Step2. Presentation

1.学习Main scene

(1)出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察。


Dialogue1: Who can you see in the picture?(Wu Yifan,Amy,Oliver and a teacher.)

Dialogue2: What are they talking about?(The teacher introduces classmates to each other.)

Dialogue2:Who is a new student?(Oliver)



2.学习let’s try let’s talk

(1)listen and tick.听录音,完成探究学习第一题。

(2)创设情境:这节课我们和Oliver,WuYifan一起去了解Mr Young。

(3)看let’s talk部分的课文插图,听录音,模仿朗读,理解意思。

(4)根据let’s talk内容尝试分角色朗读对话。

(5)学生两人一组,完成“Talk about your teachers.”


3.Make a survey.

T: Who’s your... ...? Ss:... ...

T:What’s he/she like?

Step3. Consolidation


S1: Who’s that... ...? S2:... ...

S1:What’s he/she like? S2:He/she is…

S1:Is he/she... ...? S2:Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isn’t.

Step4 Homework


2.Make a new dialogue and act it out。

六.板书设计X Kb1. C om

Unit one What’s he like?

Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk)

Who is he?-- He is our music teacher.

What’s she like? -- She’s very kind.

Is he young?--Yes,he is.





1. 学会使用句型“What did you do at the weekend?”和“Where did you go?”并懂得使用相应的过去式进行对话。

2. 能有感情地朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。

3. 能用动词过去式询问上周末的活动情况。


1.会用“What did you do at the weekend?”和 “Where did you go?”询问过去发生的事情。






1. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词weekend, place, trip, along, river, twenty, minute, hour, best以及词组the British Museum, bus ride.

2. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子What did you do at the weekend? 和Where did you go?




1. 通过教师引导示范,学生自主识记,小组合作,朗读合作等多种形式,使学生读懂文章并掌握重难句的实际运用。

2. 通过两两对话提高学生学习英语策略及口语交际能力。

3. 通过“争当小记者”活动激发并保持学生学习英语兴趣。




Step1: Warming-up

1) Greet to the students.

2) Listen a song“Where did you go?”唱关于旅游的歌曲,为新课做铺垫。

Step2: Lead-in

1)教师出示自己的旅游照。T: Class, I went to Jinan this weekend. I took lots of photos and ate delicious food. So I had a happy weekend. Do you know weekend?新授weekend,讲解其含义。

2)T:I had a happy weekend. Our friends Amy, Lingling and Sam had a happy weekend too. What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?导入课文教学。

Step 3: Presention.

1) 学生观看整课的Flash 视频,整体感知文本。找出 What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?

2) 根据文本的具体情况,分段听文本。采用任务型教学法,每一个段落设置相应问题,让学生带着问题找答案。

对于文本第二段,教师设置的问题:Where did Amy, Lingling and Sam go? Ss: They went to the British Museum. They visited Big Ben and the London Eye.教师讲授the British Museum.

对于文本第三段,让学生跟读Flash并且找出What did Lingling like best? Ss: She liked the bus ride best. 教师讲解本段中出现的新词汇。




Step 4: Practice.

1) 教师借用Amy 和Daming头像,和学生一起提炼文本重点句,形成一组新的对话,并板书。

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.


2) 你问我答:Travel around Dezhou.

教师准备一张图片,上面选取德州的几个景点,如:长河公园,新湖风景区,减河湿地等,每个景点下面对应相应的活动,如:did taijiquan, took photos, played chess,etc. 教师示范后,同桌两人一组,自主练习。

Step5: Extension.( Talk about our travel.)

T: We all had a happy weekend. We went to lots of places and did many things. But I think in our holiday, we were happy too. Now look at this photo. This is me. Who can ask me some questions?

S1: Where did you go?

T: I went to Tianjin. Other questions?

S2: What did you do?

T: I visited my friend. You must have happy holiday too. Now 4 Ss a group. Ask and answer.



最后教师总结:You went to lots of places. Now let’s enjoy our class’s travel(教师课前收集学生旅游照,自制学生旅游视频)。 The world is a wonderful book and those who do not travel can see only a page of it.

Step6: Homework.

Describe your travel to your friends.


Unit1 Where did you go?

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.



本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。


本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。







(l) 教师播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习 strong, tall, short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。


T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!

Ss: Nice to meet you!

(3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下:

T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now?

Ss:We’re in Grade 5.

T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?


T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess!What’s the topic of Unit 1?

2. Presentation(新课呈现)

(l)教师出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. Do you have new teachers? 引导学生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后教师说:“今天我们将学习怎样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师?

(2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说: They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生呈现新词:youny,kind old,funny。教师可利用简笔画、单词卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生正确理解、认读。


(4)教师根据以下信息请学生判断会话中描述的教师是 Let’s learn配图中的哪一位: Mr Hu is the art teacher. What’s he like?He’s short and thin.完成前面铺垫的学习任务,让学 生猜出哪位是Sarah的新教师。教师再引导学生利用 Let’s learn部分所提供的替换句型,描述Sarah的其他两位新教师,练习巩固所学新词。


教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写或在单词卡片背面仿写,达到听、说、读、写 四会掌握新词的目的。

3.Let’s play (趣味操练)

(1)Let’s find out (找一找)

教师指导学生用所学新词和句型描述Let’s find out部分几位教师的体貌特征,然后找出正确的图片。完成这项活动后,教师引导学生充分利用八张新词卡片继续进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。

(2)Let’s sing (唱一唱)

教师放歌曲“My new teacher”的录音,学生跟唱,进一步在音乐节奏中感知新词。

4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(l)让学生做本单元 A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生模仿Let’s find out部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。展示不同教师的图片,让学生猜出是教哪个科目的教师,然后用所学新词描述这些教师的外貌特征。

(3)让学生参照 Let’s find out部分设计一些谜语让大家清一猜。可以参考以下语言: She is tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’s she?


5. 小结

单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind


提供第一课时教案示例。本课时Let’s learn部分主要是通过情景会话,谈论美术教师的样子,来让学生学习单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。教学设计适合与学生身边的人物相联系,尤其是新老师。可引导学生复习已学过的tall, short, thin, strong等词汇,再进一步学习本课新生词。达到描述不同图片人物的要求。利用一些活动来巩固知识。教师引导学生充分利用事先准备好的人物图片,进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。


Lesson 2

一.教学内容Part A let’s learn/ ask and answer/ let’s spell .


1.能够正确听,说,朗读“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”等询问某人是谁,外貌或性格怎么样的相关交际用语。


3.能够听懂,会说,会表演let’s learn的内容并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。


重点:学生能够表演let’s learn的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物。

难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”等。




Step1. Warming-up

1.sing a song”Who’s your teacher”

2.show pictures and say

出示一些学科教师图片,让学生快速说出来,如Chinese teacher/math teacher/English teacher/art teacher/music teacher.

T: Who’s this man/woman?

S: He/she is ... ...

Step2. Presentation

1.Look and guess.看图片,猜一猜。


T:guess,what’s he/she like?

S: Is he/she strict/funny…?

T:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.


2.展示Let’s learn 图片,快速让学生说出Mr还是Miss。

3.look at the pictures and say.看图说句子。

如:Mr Young is our music teacher.He is old.


Step3 Consolidation

Group work:小组讨论任课老师。



Step4 Homework

1.Copy the words of let’s learn.

2.Make a dialogue about your teachers.


Unit one What’s he like?

Part A let’s learn ask and answer let’s spell

old young funny kind strict

Who’s your art teacher?--Mr Jones.

Is he young?--Yes,he is.



Teaching objectives:

1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again

2. Sentences:

Grandma made Chinese food for me.

I want to try American food.

I will write again soon.

3. Practise to pronounce ‘wh’ ‘wr’.

4. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.

Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures

Teaching procedures


1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1.

2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.


T: Daming goes to New York.

Ss: Daming went to New York.

T: Grandma meets Daming.

Ss: Gradma met Daming.

Teach the text:

1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?”

Guide the students say: It’s the statue of Liberty. It’s in New York”.

T: Daming is in New York now. Let’s see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.

2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.

3. Teach the new words.

4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:

⑴Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)

⑵What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)

⑶What food did he want to try? (American food)

5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs)

6. Practise to pronounce 'wh' 'wr'.

7. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.

8. Complete exercise 1 in AB.


Practise the following sentences in pairs:

Where are you from?

Where are you going to go?

Where are you going to go there?

Where are you going to do there?


Module 10 Unit 2 I’m in New York now

Arrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me.


Flat I want to try American food.


made I will write again soon