



很多老师把这种题目出成了词汇考察。比如:你怎么度过你的周末?How __________ spend _____weekends?我个人向来很反对。--对于一句已经在口语里说烂掉的一个句子,看见这样的题目完全就应该脱口而出了,不应该再给很多提示,因为是在考察--句子结构,而 不是某个单词,所以我一般出卷都是How ________________?就可以了。不用给太多的提示,如果句子框架错全部扣,因为这个学生根本就不会说这个句子。

上次给四年级出卷种有这样一句"那个长头发的女的是Nancy的好朋友吗?"Is __________________friend?学校里有好多老师抱怨太难了。我听了很纳闷,虽然有点繁,但是称不上难吧,The girl with…./ The girl in….是应该机械操练到很熟的短语了。--平时做每一步都应该扎实,这与轮番性,递进性学东西不矛盾。


阅读理解是一种最为综合性(看懂句子,分析,理解)的练习,是一种运用体现的方式之一的题型。在四年级下半学期我特别重视这个,还编了三十个左右的阅读理解,目的是为了给学生开阔眼界,复现和巩固所学语言知识。不过到了五年级感觉精力不是很够,再加上语言知识上去了,难度也比较大,所以除了5BU1 外,我都没有编。对这样的题型我不做过多评论,也没有特别好说的,以后初中,高中都是这样的练习。



Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers.Miss White is their English teacher.She likes them very much.

( )1, Tom and John are good friends.

( )2. Tom is twelve years old.

( )3. John is twelve years old.

( )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

( )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students

( )6.John doesn’t like to eat hamburgers.


My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.

( )1. This is Lily’s house.

( )2. There are four rooms in the house.

( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.

( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.

( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.