

六年级上册英语《Unit 6》练习册答案



1. Smoke from factories makes the air dirty.

2. We can sweep the floor.

3. The fish are dead.

4. Two little black birds are flying on the hill.

5. Can you throw rubbish on the floor?

(1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A)


1. We can move some factories away from our city.

2. Rubbish makes the street dirty.

3. Smoke from the factories makes the city dirty.

4. We can do many things to keep our city clean.

(1. away 2. dirty 3. factories, city 4. keep, clean)


1. cities 2. make 3. litter 4. smoking 5. makes 6. to keep


1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C


1. messy, dirty, keep, sweep, clean

2. from, makes, keep, clean, move, from, city



1. I had _____ unusual experience on Sunday.

A. a B.an C.the D./

2. Tom will visit our farm_____ two weeks.

A.in B.after C.during D.on

3. I had a hard time with science, so I wasn’t ___ to receive a disappointing result from my science teacher.

A. surprised B. boring C.relaxed D.unhappy

4. We will visit the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.

A. will rain B.rains C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain

5. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can ____ it ____ because he is always hard-working.

A. turn; over B. get; over C. take; over D. look; over

6. – Would you mind closing the window? It’s very cold outside.

-- ______. I’ll do it right away.

A. Yes, I would B. No. thanks C. Of course not. D. Of course.

7. _____ you are in trouble, you can call me, even at night.

A. Wherever B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Whenever


1. Nothing in the world is i______ if you make up your mind to do it.

2. How long have you been C _____ stamps?

3. I love Italy, e______ its summer.

4. Lisa made great p_____ with the teachers’ help.

5. Many f_____ tourist will come to watch the Olympics in August, 2008.


1.B 解析:本题没有特指,应该用不定代词,加上unusual是以元音开头,应该用an.

2. A 解析:in +一段时间,时态用一般将来时。

3. A 解析:由于我在学习科学的过程中一直都比较不容易,所以在拿到一个令人失望的结果是并不惊讶。

4. D 解析:条件状语从句,主将从现,(主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时)

5. B 解析:get over有克服困难的意思。Turn over翻转,take over有接管的意思,look over有仔细检查的意思。

6. C 解析:本题属于习惯用法的考查。

7. D 解析:whenever无论何时,从最后的even at night可以得出答案。


1. impossible 解析:impossible不可能的,

2.collecting 解析:本题难再时态,前面有been不是进行时就是被动态,本题用不需要用被动态,应该用进行时。

3. especially 解析:especially尤其是

4.progress 解析:make progress取得进步。

5. foreign 解析:foreign外国的

六年级上册英语《Unit 7 Protect the Earth》练习册答案



1. There is not much coal on Earth.

2. We should use paper bags and glass bottles.

3. Wood comes from trees.

4. Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.

5. She comes from Jiangsu.

6. There are many plastic bags in the supermarket.

7. You made too many mistakes.

8. We should not use too many plastic bottles.

(1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B)


1. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.

2. We should not cut down too many trees.

3. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water.

4. Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.

(1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T)


1. use 2. drive, energy 3. plass 4. oil


1. save 2. use 3. useful 4. waste, reuse


1. We use water to clean things every day.

2. Most of our energy comes from coal and oil./ Most of our energy comes from oil and coal.

3. We should not cut down too many trees.

4. Is too much plastic bad for the Earth?