


Excuse me。 Can you tell me the way to ...? 劳驾,请告诉我去...(地方)怎么走? / Excuse me。 Han can I get to...? 劳驾,问怎样去...(地方)? / Excuse me, please, where is...? 劳驾,请问去...的路怎么去?

问路时,首先说“Excuse me。”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答。常用的有以下几种表达:

How far is it from here? 它离这里多远?

It‘s about...meters from here。 它离这里大约...米远。

It’s about...yards/meters down this street。

Go straight ahead till you see...沿着这条街走约...米就到了。

Go straight ahead till you see... 照直走到...(地方)为止 。

Go down/along this street。 沿着这条街走下去。

Take this street/road。 走这条街/大路。

Go through the gate and you‘ll find the entrance to...穿过大门,你就会看到...的几口处。

Go down/along this street till you get to ...沿着这条街走到...(地方)为止。

Turn right/left at the first/second crossing。在第一/二个十字路口向右/左转。

You’d better take a taxi/minibus/No。 5 bus...你最好坐出租车/乘小公共汽车 / 乘5路公共汽车。



Would you like sth。(to eat / to drink)?你想吃 / 喝点...吗?

What would you like (to have)? 你想要吃点什么?

Would you like some more...? 你还要点...吗?

How about (some more) ...? (再)来点...怎么样?


Help yourself to...? 你吃/喝点...吧。

Let me give you...? 让我来人你...吧。

Make yourself at home。 请随便吃,不要客气。


Yes, please,好的。I‘d like...我想来点...Well, just a little, please。 好的,请来一点儿。

4、当客人表示不想吃/喝东西或表示已经吃饱/喝好了时,常回答:No, thanks, 谢谢,不要了。Thank you , I‘ve had enough。 谢谢,我已经够了。I’m full, thank you。 谢谢,我吃饱了。



I‘m afraid I must be off/be going/be leaving now。恐怕我得走了。/ I think I must be off/ be going/ be leaving now。我看我得走了。/ Well, It’s getting late。噢,天已晚了。/ I‘ve got to go now。现在我必须得走了。/ Maybe we could get together sometime。也许我们什么时候还能再聚一聚。


Thank you for coming。多谢你的光临。/ Yes, I‘ve enjoy it。对,我很开心。/ My pleasure, too。这也是我的荣幸。/ Could you stay a little longer? 你能再呆一会儿吗?/ In that case, I won’t keep you。那么我就不留你了。


Good-bye! / Be seeing you soon。 Bye! / Bye! / Bye for now。 / See you。 / See you later。 Bye-bye! 再见!Good night。晚安!Have a pleasant journey!/ Wish you a pleasant journey。祝你旅途愉快!Don‘t forget to give me a ring。不要忘记给我来电话。Remember to give me a ring。记住给我来电话。


Good-bye!再见!/ Good night!晚安!You too。 / Same to you。你也一样。So long。 Take care。再见!保重。