


Step I.Revision

Check the homework with the whole class.

Step II. Warming up

Ask the students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do, and then have a discussion about the two pictures.

T: Today, before we begin our reading, I’d like to ask you a question, “What is the biggest sound you have heard in your life?”

S1: The sound of wind that blew in a winter night when I was very young. It sounded like a ghost who was howling. I was very frightened at that time.

S2: The biggest noise was the one that I heard when my neighbor was quarrelling with his wife. Perhaps, they broke their TV set.

T: That’s too terrible.

S3: The noise when planes take off.

S4: The sound of trains.

T: Good! I agree that all of them are big sound. But did you once heard the sound that the heaven falls and the earth cracks, in Chinese it is 天崩地裂?

Ss: No, we have no chance to hear that.

T: If there is a sound like this, what is it?

S5: When someone hears something une-pected and terrible. For e-ample, when one of his loved families dies, he will feel this sound.

T: Terrific! You are using a literary way to e-press the sound.

S6: When an earthquake happens.

T: Great! I have waited for this answer for a long time. Today we’ll learn something about earthquakes. I think most of us have heard of earthquakes. Can you imagine how terrible it is ?

S7: The earth is shaking . All the buildings will fall down.

S8: Many people will die. And perhaps many children will lose their parents.

T: Yeah, earthquakes are disasters to everybody. Now look at the two pictures of Tangshan and San Francisco. Can you describe what you see in the pictures?

S1: Tangshan is a beautiful city. It has beautiful gardens, broad roads and some tall buildings.

S2: From the picture of San Francisco,I can see that it is a very big city. There are many tall buildings thickly standing on the earth. I think the population of the city is very large.

T: Good! What will happen if there has been a big earthquake in these two cities? Work in pairs and discuss it. Then I’ll ask so me of you to show your opinion.

Step III.Pre-reading

There are two questions in this part. Both are very interesting. The first one c

an more or less reveal the students’ values; while the second one can enlarge their imagination. No matter what their answers are, as long as they have given careful thoughts to the situations, their answers should be good.

T: Now, let’s look at the pictures. What are the predictions of an earthquake?

S1: Before an earthquake animals will become nervous. Cows, pigs, horses and dogs will be upset. And people can see mice running about. If the earthquake happens during winter, people can even see snakes.

T: Terrific! Where did you get this knowledge?

S1: From geography. I like it.

T: good. Sit down please.

S2: Madam, I don’t know the meaning of the picture with two women.

T: It doesn’t matter. You will know it soon after reading our te-t. OK. Imagine there is an earthquake now, and your home is shaking, at this moment you have no time to take any other things but one, what will it be?

S3: I’ll take all my money. People can’t live without money.

S4: I will take as much water as possible. Because it is said that people can keep alive for nearly 7 days by drinking without any food

S5: In that case, I’d rather take some apples, so that besides drinking, I can also eat.

S6: I will carry my grandma. She is my most loved person in this world. She brought me up.

T: What a dutiful child you are! I’m very glad to hear that. Sit down please! It seems that all of you know what you should do during an earthquake. OK. Let’s read our te-t, and see what it tells us.

Step IV.Reading

In this part, teacher should ask the students to read the passage quickly for the first time to get the general idea of the passage. Ask them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. This can help them finish e-ercise3 in Comprehention. It is about the main idea of each paragraph. Then ask them to read the te-t again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading for the second time, show some questions on the screen, and let the students read the questions first. These questions can guide them to have a good understanding about the te-t. They can also make preparations for E-s1-2,which are about details.


T: At first I’d like to read the te-t quickly to get the general idea of the article. While reading, you should pay attention to the sentence of each paragraph.

T: Have you got the general idea of the te-t?

Ss: Yes.

T: What is it?

S1: There is no quick answer to this question . Are you suggesting us that the general idea is the mi-ture of the first sentences of each paragraph?

T: Sure.

S1:OK. That’s easy. The main idea of the passage is some signs of the earthquake, and what would happen during the quake.

T: Good, sit down please. In fact, while we are answering the questions, we have involved the sequence, the functional item for this unit. (Teacher writes the word on the blackboard ) Do you understand the meaning of the word?

Ss: No.

T: Sequence means the order of the events. It can tell us which event happens first, and which happens later. Do you know the sequence that is used in our te-t?

S3: Yes. At first, the te-t tells us something that happened before the quake, then it tells us the things that happened during the quake and at last it tells us the things that happened after the earthquake.

T: Quite right! Now please look at the screen, these are the first sentences of each paragraph. Read them and think if they are the main idea of the te-t. If necessary, you may make some changes to make more e-act.

Teacher shows the screen and gives a little time to think it over.

1.Strange things were happening in the countryside in the northeast Hebei.

2.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

3. All hope was not lost.

Careful reading

T: Now, it’s time for us to read the te-t carefully. But before reading, you should read some questions first. These questions may help you get some information quickly and easily. Now look at the screen, and read the questions.

Show on the screen

1.What natural signs of a coming disaster were there?

2.Can you think of some reasons why these signs weren’t noticed?

3.What events probably made the disaster worse?

4.What situations probably made the disaster worse?

5.How were the survivors held?

Step V. E-tension

Show the questions on the screen.

1.From whose point of view are events described? How do you know?

2.What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?

3.Why do you think the writer chooses to e-press his feelings about the quake rather than simply reporting what had happened?

4.Why is the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP?

5.What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again.” mean?


1. He uses third-person to describe the quake. His description is very objective. For e-ample, the second sentence in the third paragraph. The writer says: “Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.” The writer uses they instead of we.

2.The mood is serious and a bit sad. It is created by giving details of how many people and animals were killed or injured, and how many buildings were destroyed.

3.Although the writer was not there, he felt sad for the people of Tangshan. He knows that some personal feelings will make the reading more interesting.

4.I think the reason is that, as usual, night is the time to sleep, and night should be safe and quiet. But that night everything changed. The writer uses A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP as a title to show how terrible and how unusual the night was.

5.Here we can see that the writer compared the city to a person who suffered a lot in the disaster. He felt her pain, and he worried about her. So when he said that people came to help her, we can feel his feelings to the city. The city will not die, she has hope and she can recover from the pain.

Step VI Comprehending

Answers to E--1-3

1.1. C 2. E 3.B 4.D 5.A

2.1. The walls of the villages wells had cracks in them.

2 .Roads got huge cracks

3. Brick buildings were destroyed.

4. The army helped the survivors.

5. Shelters were put up for those with no homes.

3.1. Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei..

1.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

2.All hope was not lost.

Step VII Homework



一、教学内容 Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending



l 认识节日的分类以及节日对人们生活的影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义。

l 运用略读(skimming)、找读(scanning)、细读(careful reading)等阅读技巧来掌握篇章中心内容,获取阅读文章中的关键信息。

l 根据上下文,理解本课的生词、词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night。


步骤一 略读(skimming)




步骤二 找读(scanning)





3. 在老师的指导下,全班合作填写练习1表格中的第一行。然后,老师要求学生独立完成余下的三行表格的填写。学生完成表格的填写后,老师作点评。


步骤三 细读(careful reading)

1. 学生仔细阅读课文,独立完成Comprehending中练习2的问题1~3,然后请几个学生回答,最后全班核对答案。



1) Festivals of the dead are for hornouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others, who some people believe might return to help or harm living people.

2) Autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.

3) At spring festivals, people usually have dances, carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring.

2. 学生4人一组讨论问题4~5,然后每组选出一名代表,汇报讨论结果,最后老师给予指导并得出尽可能一致的意见。



1) It is important to have festivals and celebrations so we can enjoy life / be proud of our customs / forget our work for a little while.

2) The Chinese, Japanese and Me-ican festivals of the dead all have customs to honour the dead. The Chinese and Japanese go to clean their ancestors’ tombs.

步骤四 归纳内容、对比




步骤五 解决阅读中学生遇到的困难

老师要求学生朗读课文。然后4人一组根据上下文讨论在阅读中遇到的难以理解的单词和词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night等,先是组内探讨解决,组内解决不了的,老师给予帮助。


步骤六 归纳整理、复述课文

1. 老师事先用投影呈现出本课信息图,学生在老师的引导下,共同完成信息图中的信息填写,选一名学生填写投影中的信息图(可用词或短语)。然后学生根据“信息图”用自己的话复述课文:


步骤七 作业






1.Students learn some new words and e-pressions to describe people ,especially famous persons;

2.Students are encouraged to give more information about famous persons who they are familiar:

3. Students can realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.


1. Words and e-pressions in this unit

2. Previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists

3. Comprehending the te-t


【导入】Words learning

(Students are assigned to learn the new words of this unit and find out the English e-plainations of the new words )

Definitions or e-planations

A.e-amine 1.general principles of an art or science

B.repeat 2.say or do again

C.theory 3.at once; without delay

D.immediate 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...

E.complete 5.of great value, worth or use

F.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finished

G.announce 7.make known

H.control 8.come or bring to an end

I.positive 9.power to order or direct

J.conclude 10.quite certain or sure

【讲授】useful sentences learning

(The sentences are picked from the te-t.)

1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance e-amination.

2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.

3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.

4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.

5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.

6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.

7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.

8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?

9.Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and e-pressions.

【讲授】Introduction of a classic article

Teacher introduce a famous person --Qian -uesen and students learn to write an article about the famous scientis using the words and e-pressions they just learn in class.

【活动】Share the outcome

Students share their article orally and discuss whether they have used some good and advanced e-pressions.




Einstein ___________________ one of the greatest scientists in

the20th century.

(2)他对实验结果感到满意, 他把成绩归功于大家。

He ________________________ of the e-periment and _____



Qian -uesen was born into a wealthy family on December 11,

1911, Zhejiang Province, __________________________




_______, he went to America for his further study and gained

his doctor’s degree in the Science of Astronom







(2)教材分析与学生分析: 本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。

(3) 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading

The third period: Grammar

The forth Period:Listening

The fifth period: Writing


①知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to e-press and support an opinion.

②过程与方法:本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才能交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,可以再引导学生深入讨论几个与本单元话题有关的问题:1.描述朋友; 2. 结交网友;3. 观点交流;4. 善不善交朋友; 5. 朋友的重要性。


(5) 教学重点和难点:

词汇:add point upset ignore calm concern cheat share reason list series crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust suffer advice situation communicate habit

短语: add up calm down have got to be concerned about go through hide away set down on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

重点语法项目: 直接引语和间接引语的互相转换

难点:Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship;

Discuss the answers to the questions (Reading);

How to teach the Ss to master the usage of Direct Speech and Indirect

Speech(Statement and Questions).

(6) 教学策略: Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pairwork, teach grammar in real situation

(7) 教学煤体设计: A projector and a tape recorder.

(8) 教学过程:

Period One:Speaking (Warming Up and Pre-Reading)


Talk about friends and friendship.

Practise talking about agreement and disagreement.

Step I Revision

Ask some of the students to read his / her composition for the class, describing one of the problems between friends and how it is solved. Then give some comments.

T: Now, let's check up your homework for last class. I'd like some of you to read his / her composition for the class, describe one of the problems between friends and how it is solved.

Step II Warming up

T: / think most of us have some good friends. Do you know why people make friends with one another?

Step III Talking(WB P41)

First get the students to listen to what a Canadian say about making friends. Then ask them to discuss the two questions.

T: Now we're going to listen to what Leslie Clark, a Canadian has got to say about making friends. After listening, please talk about the two questions in groups of 4. Try to use the following e-pressions.

1 Do you agree with her?

2 What do you think of people from foreign countries?

Agreement Disagreement

I think so, I don't think so.

I agree.I don't agree

That's correct.Of course not.

That's e-actly my opinion. I'm afraid not.

You're quite right. I don't think you are right.

Step IV Speaking(B P6)

First, get the students to think of four situations among friends in groups of 4 and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends their classmates are. Second, try it out on their own group, checking the questionnaire through and adding up their score and see how many points they can get. Ask them to fill in the form prepared before class. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends their classmates are. Third, ask each student to stand up and walk around the classroom to make a survey on four of other classmates. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends other classmates are. They can share your questionnaire with one or two other groups and try each other's questionnaires.

At last, show the instructions to help your classmates to know how to improve his or her skills of making good friends with others if necessary.

T: Friends come in many flavors. There are best friends, school friends, fair-weather friends, forever friends and many more. Do you want to know what kind of friends your classmates are? Now let's make a survey. First, please think of four situations among friends and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.

1. Your friend borrowed 100 Yuan from you last week and hasn't returned it. You will

A. ask him / her to pay back as soon as possible; or you'll end the friendship.

B. ask him / her to pay back if he / she has.

C. tell him / her not to return it.

2. Your friend said your bad words behind you. You will

A. ask him / her to say sorry to you , or you'll stop your friendship.

B. e-cuse him / her and forget it.

C. ask others to tell him / her that he/she is wrong.

3. You promised to meet your friend at five o'clock but your parents ask you to do homework at home. You will

A. tell him your parents ask you to do homework at home.

B. tell him / her a lie that you are ill.

C. say sorry to him / her and plan to meet him / her another time.

4. You borrowed a bike from your friend, but you had it stolen. You will

A. buy a new one which is the same as his / hers.

B. just tell him / her you had it stolen.

C. say sorry to him/her and buy him/her an old one

After they finish choosing the answers, show the scoring sheet on the screen.


2-5 A fair-weather friend

Only like them when they are happy and popular. If they are feeling down, or if they are having a problem, you don't want to spend time or talk with them. You don't help your friends when they have problems. You are always thinking about yourself.

You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and don't consider others' feelings, you won't make more friends and keep friendship for long.

6-11 A school friend

You see each other in school. You just study and play with them together in school. You may not know everything about each other. You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. You'd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

12-17 A best friend

You do everything together with your friends: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. If either one has a problem, the other is there to help. You know your friends very well. You understand and yield to each other. You help with each other and improve together. You have a lot of common benefit. Your friendship is good to both of you. You are mutually beneficial.

18-21 Forever friend

You will always listen to your friends and try to help them, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem. Whenever they have any difficulty, you'll try your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation. You devote yourself to your best friends. You are willing to lose what you have, even your life.



1. Ability goals 能力目标

To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2. Learning ability goals 学能目标

To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.



Teaching important points 教学重点

Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

1. Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

2. Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

1. Have you ever seen some marine animals?

2. What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

Step2. Fast-reading:

1. Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

2. Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

Step3. Careful-reading:

1. Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2. How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

Stage2&3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

Step4 : Summary

Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about si- killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



Deal with E-ercise 3 in Comprehending . Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.