2B Unit1 period 8(上海版牛津英语教案)


  lesson plan

  school: shanghai shi yan primary school

  teacher: li jun

  book: oxford english (shanghai edition) 2b unit 1

  topic: farm animals

  aims: review the whole unit.

  aids: letter cards, multi-media, word cards, wall-chart ...etc

  procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-task preparation:1. warming-up:1. ps: read a story.2. t: invite one or two groups to act the story out.ii. while-task procedure:1. review the letters:1. ps: recite a chant “abc, cba”.学生边拍手边背诵,拍手的节奏逐渐加快,背诵的节奏亦随之越来越快。通过这一过程,迅速调整学生学习状态,集中注意力。2. have a competition: word –letter chain.t: càp1: c /k/ cake, n àp2: n /n/ nurse, dàpn…以接龙比赛的形式复习字母及其在单词中的发音,使学生的复习过程十分紧凑,也显得有趣。2. review the sentences and words.1. (multi-media)t: what do you see?p1: i see a farm.t: yes, this is a big farm.ps: listen to the tape and guess what animal is on the farm.听力训练。通过听录音,猜谜语,帮助学生复习句型,并提高学生有意记忆的能力。2. (wall-chart)ps: work in groups. rearrange the letters and put them into word cards. then match the words with the barns.让学生体验自主的复习过程,在“看看、想想、拼拼、读读”的过程中,动手动脑复习词汇。3. (multi-media)ps: watch the snap-shots and tell the names of the animals quickly.e.g. i see a ...it’s … it can …it goes…请学生观看快速变换的图像,并以抢答的形式描述动物。这样既能吸引学生的注意力,又能帮助他们回忆本单元的旧知识。4. play a guessing game.ps: work in groups. choose one animal and compose a riddle. then read the riddle to the class. the others guess.e.g. this is a farm animal. it is … it can … it goes … what is it?让学生在猜谜游戏中进行语言交际,增长他们的参与意识和竞争意识。5. (multi-media, the pupils’ drawings)t: make a model. introduce the farm.ps: go around the classroom and introduce their farms to their good friends.e.g. p1: look, this is a farm. i see many animals on it. look! what do you see? p2: …p1: listen! what do you hear?p2: …学生离开座位,向好友介绍自己所画的农场。通过这一环节,让学生在课堂中“动起来”,从而体验语言交际的乐趣。iii. post-task activity:do exercise on the exercise- books.iv. assignment:1. recite the whole text.2.preview the next lesson. 3. listen to the tape.


  本课为二年级下学期unit 1的复习课,我将复习过程分为两段:字母和词句。在复习字母的`环节里,我采用了拍手诵读和接龙两种形式。首先,学生边拍手边背诵字母,拍手的节奏逐渐加快,背诵的节奏亦随之越来越快。通过这一过程,迅速调整学生学习状态,集中注意力。其次,以接龙比赛的形式复习字母及其在单词中的发音,使学生的复习过程十分紧凑,也显得有趣。

