八年级上册Lesson 27 What’s your advice教学设计


八年级上册Lesson 27 What’s your advice教学设计


  本单元以“My future”为话题展开教学,通过发现自己的特长,预测自己的职业,提建议,谈理想抱负等一系列的活动,让学生学习掌握有关职业与理想的词汇,帮助学生树立正确的职业观、人生观和价值观。本课是本单元第三课时, 通过Danny和Jenny玩“建议宝石”游戏及其对话,帮助学生学会给别人提建议。


  1.知识目标:掌握词汇及短语:advice, diamond ,choose, number, seventeen, eighteen, opposite,be nice to, advice diamond,.




  1.部分关于游戏的词汇advice, diamond ,choose, number, seventeen, eighteen, opposite

  2.重点句型:Fast is the opposite of slow

  Always be nice to your dinosaur friends.





  Computer, PPT, advice dianmond, colorful paper.


  Step 1 Warming-up and lead in

  1. Free talk “It’s sunny today.isn’t it ? I’m very glad to see you. Are you happy? Please smile to your partener.


  2.Play a picture game“Can you name their jobs?”Get students to Write down their jobs as fast as possible..


  3. Ask“What do you want to do in the future ?”


  Step 2 Presentation

  1.Ask “Do you want to know what you will do when you grow up ?”Let my “future diamond”tell you.

  Take out a paper diamond and tell Students it’s a “future diamond”, If you want to know your future job, just choose a color and a number. Then it will tell you the result.

  Encourage some students to play the game.

  (设计意图:借助“future diamond”,教学生如何玩“diamond”游戏,既是往新课的引入,又活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣)

  2.Tell students having dream is very good ,but we must do something to achieve our dream.

  Show some dreams ,get student to give them some advice to achieve the dreams.

  Read the dreams and match them with the advice

  1)listen to your teacher carefully in class

  2)Practice basketball

  3)Take singing lessons

  4)Always be nice to your friends

  5)Work hard at school

  go to a famous college

  be basketball player

  be a singer

  learn English better

  Make more friends


  Step 3 Listening practice

  .Listen and answer

  What colour does Jenny choose? (He chooses green.)

  What number does Jenny choose? (Fifty-one.)


  Step 4 Reading

  1.Read the lesson and answer the questions

  (1).What colours does Danny’s advice diamond have ? ( Green )

  (2)How many times does Jenny choose ? ( Three times)

  (3).What advice does Jenny get at last ?

  Always be nice to your dinosaur friends

  (设计意图:指导学生运用Skimming, Scanning 的阅读策略,得到自己想要的相关信息)

  2.Get students to read aloud, and then read after the tape,imitate the intonation.


  3.Complete the short passage according to the lesson.

  Danny and Jenny are playing with their advice_______. Danny shows Jenny his diamond and asks Jenny ___ ____a colour. Jenny chooses_______,and then chooses the number _____.Under the number,It says”Fast is the _______of slow”.That’s not _____,but a fact.

  So ,they do it again.Jenny chooses green and a new______,It says”______you a wonderful future.”That’s a wish,not advice.

  Jenny has to pick ______number.It says”Always be ______to your dinosaur friends.” That’s very good advice.


  Step 5 Summary

  Show the key words in the lesson on the screen, get students to read and make sure they know their meanings.

  advice diamond

  number opposite

  wish choose

  seventeen eighteen


  Step 6 Practice

  1.Fill in the blanks with the words in this lesson.

  (1).A: W_____you good luck.

  B:Thans phone n_____is 605-979-5532. You can call me if need help.

  (3).My teacher has given me some a_____about my future.

  (4.)Tomorrow is my father’s birthday. I will c______a nice present for him.


  2.Let’s make our own advice diamond

  First, take out a piece of paper and fold it into an advice diamond.Next, Write some advice on it.

  Then, you can play with it.


  Step 7 Homework

  Make your own advice diamond and play with it after class.

  But school work must come first.
